Wie lange darf man in nem resteraunt Döner laden und so weiter sitzen?

Hallo ich sitze gerade in nem Döner Laden und esse nen Döner Teller ich sitze hier schon seit 40 Minuten weil es extrem warm ist und deswegen esse ich langsamer meine Frage ist wie lange darf man mindest in nem Imbiss sitzen ich schäme mich schon langsam

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6 months ago

This is not regulated by law. Some restaurants are going to limit times. But it’s not the case in a snack bar.

6 months ago

Don’t stress how long you eat. As long as it is not full and no one waits for a table, you can eat and drink comfortably.

6 months ago

You shouldn’t be ashamed. You can sit there for two hours. As long as you don’t make shit, they don’t want to chase you as customers.