Wie lange darf ich noch in Dland Diesel fahren?
Lohnt es sich Dieselautos noch zu kaufen?
Lohnt es sich Dieselautos noch zu kaufen?
Servus, ich würde gerne meine beigen Sitze aus meiner E46 Limo austauschen, habe ein Angebot auf Kleinanzeigen allerdings wären die neuen Sitze aus einem Touring. Weiß jemand ob das trotzdem passt oder wo kann ich das nachschauen? danke im Vorraus!
Neukauf eines Seniorenmobils-Muß der Händler dem Kunden einen schriftlichen Kaufvertrag aushändigen ?
Hallo , Unzwar wollte ich mir demnächst ein Auto finanzieren bei Mercedes für ca 50k , habe derzeit eine Minijob aber ab dem 2.1 eine Vollzeit Beschäftigung und Kriege ungefähr 2800€ netto raus . Zahle Jeden Monat 1000€ auf 48 Monate Meine Frage wäre ,würde ich mit einer Lohnabrechnung die Finanzierung bekommen? kennt sich da…
ich möchte ein Auto mieten bei Europcar bin 21 Jahre alt und würde gerne ein Mercedes Cla mieten jedoch habe ich nur eine Kreditkarte in physischer Form ( Revolut ) und eine bankkarte. Aber man kann mit einer bankkarte nur bis in die obere Mittelklasse Autos mieten. Gehört der cla zur oberen Mittelklasse?
Moin, ich gucke jetzt schon seit einiger Zeit nach einem Erstwagen für mich. Ich möchte mit dem Auto nach meinem Abitur etwas durch die gegend fahren dementsprechend gucke ich nach einem auto in Kombi größe. Es soll möglichst wenig verbrauchen und günstig im Unterhalt sein. Mein budget sind so 5.000-8.000€.
They’ll always be allowed to drive.
Only evtl in inner cities not
Super, that’s good
“Death promised live longer”
On this principle, a few years ago, and on the high of the “Diesel-Panik” as well as the DUH-Klagewelle against the big comuns, I still received current Euro6 diesel of German land as an annual car for half of its new price and almost 10k€ under swamp.
A few years later, we are still not closer to a complete diesel ban today, but the maintenance of the so-called alternative electromobility- due to the current which has become considerably more expensive both at home and in the public charging structure, has not come closer to us in terms of economic efficiency, but rather has been depressed.
It also behaves in heating – many years ago have left the politics dizzy-sweet and put on gas, only to be washed away by the Russian. In the recent past, those who went to Peletts and are now left to the vein by the allegedly exploding wood prices. The well-placed areas with heat pumps in front of the hut are now allowed to strike around with soon-awaited noise emission regulations and see how they somehow get the new piece of gold through shelter or whatever quietly.
Meanwhile, the fuel oil price has fallen again and we can now sit at 23 degrees and more at home without paying us stupid and thirsty – all with technology that has been unchanged for decades.
In the case of electricity, it looks similar – at last technology is in a good range in terms of photovoltaics, but now you don’t get the brochures on the roof by short craftsmen and/or by their moon prices and increased requirements. However, if this hurdle has already been achieved, we have been waived by increasingly falling feed-in prices and the promise of amortization is led absurdly.
The electricity prices are falling again.
My knowledge therefore and for decades : There is nothing behind politics and their promises to run in such matters – the state cannot be taken out of its pocket in the medium term.
No is not worth it (if you don’t drive 40,000 Km a year) but it’s fun to drive through lots of steam in the speed cellar chilly and huge range (1000 Km)
Yeah, great. There’s hardly anything better.
Got it. 3 years drive an e-car, I am not satisfied with it – and stand back on a diesel as long as this is still possible.
I’m similar. I drove a lot less by Covid and got me a gasoline.
Always diesel! Only consumption and range.
As long as there’s diesel.
If you don’t have to go into an environmental zone, I don’t think it’s a problem.
I’ll wait for one to examine the pollutant emissions of gasoline
Why are there no rapeseed oil engines?
Technology has become too fine, old diesel could still drive with some vegetable oils.
Also to the suffering of my odorous organs as a neighbor with old fries oil refueled.
What would be the advantage
You can also use Bio Diesel methods
Less environmental damage
I bought a new SUV diesel in December. Hope it continues