Wie lange bräuchte man für 100 km mit einem Pferd?
Mich würde mal interessieren, wie viel Std man mit einem Pferd für 100 km auf einer hügeligen und leicht steinigen Strecke brauchen würde.
Hi Leute, ich bin in den verschiedensten 3d Seiten wie MakerWorld auf solch wollige oder auch gestrickter Tiere oder Figuren gestoßen. Mich würde jedoch interessieren, wie man so etwas selbst erstellen oder so umwandeln kann. Danke!
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Kann es sein das sie arabisches Blut hat? Sie ist 4 Jahre alt und trägt ihren Schweif beim trab immer sehr hoch, wie ein Araber 😅
Depends on how well the horse is trained and what you understand under hilly and “lightly” rocky. If you can only ride step because it always goes uphill/downhill, and the horse suffers because of the stones, you need a week. However, you are on the go with a fit horse on pleasant paths, where team can wear and gallop, 2-3 days.
100 km you usually ride on distance riders and there you are much faster. Unless you make a walking ride.
We do not know exactly what the question is about. I don’t think it’s supposed to be competitive… 🤨
Thanks for the star 💫
Yeah, you’ve been on the road for a few days. And there were no shelters at every corner. In other words, you had a lot of baggage and was probably on the move more slowly. You’re not much faster with a horse than when you’re walking fast.
Right. My question is not about sports. I’m just trying to figure out how long you could have used mechamic means of transport for a 100 km long track with the horse. Nowadays you can drive on the highway in under 1 hour already at the destination if you keep the speed constant over 100 km/h. But at that time, 100 km would have been rather crassed
When you look at the profile of FS, there are certainly no sporting peaks, but simply the idea of using a normal horse as a “normal” means of transportation.
Right. But for a walk, you should just schedule time. And train beforehand.
It depends on the race, on the training condition, on health. The special race for long fast distances is the Arab. There he is practically unbeatable when trained.
I don’t have time in my head, but the fastest time at the Tevis Cup – the hardest distance ride in the world, where no sheikh – I think it’s less than 12 hours of pure riding time for 160 km. Includes 2000 meters of difference and temperatures between zero (at night start) and 40 degrees in midday.
However, all 25 miles of breaks are installed where the horse can drink and eat, examined by the veterinarian whether it can continue or not. These times are of course deducted from the total time.
2019 is a 27 j. Arabian marshes healthy and come to the ZIel of the Tevis Cup. She ran him, I think, 10 times successful.
100 km or just 100 miles, a trained horse does not survive without any break. And a badly trained horse wouldn’t survive. That’s why there’s always dead horses in the rinds where the sheikhs join.
I used to make spacers myself. But only up to 60 km. My Arab Wallach has always run under the first 5 and has not often won. That is, at our first ride, we have become 20 because I had disputed myself and therefore had to accept penalty points.
I didn’t have more than 60 km. The next day, I always felt like 90. My horse, on the other hand, would have been a 100 miles horse, but he had the wrong woman. Me.
You can calculate it about how long you need with well-trained horse, which is not just a cold, for 100 km. The longer the ride, the longer the horse goes naturally. (The film Hidalgo is, of course, absurd…)
Most of the time on a trained Arab you need about 3 ,5 minutes to one kilometer. With a difficult run, of course, longer. But as I said, this is only possible with healthy horses that are highly trained. You can also ride a horse on a single long-distance horse. Unfortunately, this happens again and again on the distance rider, where the sheikhs join. The distance riding with the sheikh is therefore also mutated to pure animal cruelty. My RL used to travel internationally. She doesn’t mention that anymore.
Without sheikhs with fair riders, good caregivers, strict veterinarians, healthy and highly trained horses, distance riding is an absolutely great sport where the paperless pasture accident is just as respected as a very expensive horse. I loved distance riding a lot. I’m out of age.
Two years ago, a 74 j American won the Tevis Cup on his 14 j.Araber. The bright madness. I hadn’t arrived alive.
The longer the distance the more the rider runs on foot.
Thanks for this detailed answer
With a well-trained horse you need about 1.5 days. Horses can create 60km per day, distance horses also create more.
short googlen has approx. 9h for a trained horse riding pair (the sport is called distance riding)
What exactly did you googlet?
there it was. No safe source but for such an estimate I think:)
There is no “stoney and hilly” terrain.
under 12 hours of best time for the Teviscup with 160 km and altitude differences of 2000 m. Google for Cougar ́s Rock, there you can see what terrain the horses have to run. Of course not only. Nice forest trails are also included.
By the way, it’s the reason why the sheiks don’t join us. The caravans of the whole tross they have – including dopender carers – cannot follow the horses there.
Depends on how fast you ride.
I’m sure you could ride up to 50 Km in 8 hours. Provided that the horse keeps through.
Without a horse you would be faster ^^
Now yes. But before the invention of the railway, the horse was the fastest means of transport.
Good runner is also on foot faster.
with a well-trained mongolenpony you can make the stretch in 8 hours. the one-hour break after 4 hours counts.
you should not be larger than 1.75m and not weigh more than 70kg.
with every other horse it takes longer.
Well, I think highly trained and healthy Arabs also beat Mongolian ponies.
A horse “goes” on average 5 to 7 km an hour.
And now you can count.
Triset helps 😜😎
But this is in the step betweendutch you can go faster or you make a break