Wie lange braucht das Wasser um abzukühlen?
Physiker gesucht.
100°C Wasser. 1 Liter in einem runden Edelstahlbehälter, Durchmesser 12cm.
Ich frage mich wie lange ich das Wasser im Wasserkocher!!! stehen lassen muss (bei offenem Deckel und bei Raumtemperatur (20°C), damit jenes Wasser eine Temperatur von 80°C erreicht.
Wäre nützlich zu wissen um meinen Tee richtig zuzubereiten. Keine Schulaufgabe.
I would have been tipping for 10 minutes now, but that doesn’t work in practice. Once you have 1100 ml in the kettle and only 920 ml. Then it is warmer in the summer than in winter and the humidity also plays a roll.
So forget about cooling – OK You could take a Raspberry PI and make some an alarm when the water has cooled down to 80°.
But this is all cheese – just buy a kettle where you can adjust the temperature.
A few seconds – as long as you need to pour the right amount of cold water.
You will get the right amount out with the Richmann mix rule. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richmannsche_Mixing rule
If you need 1 liter at 80°C, mix 3/4 liters of 100°C with 1/4 liter of 20°C.
Interesting, thanks 😀
Riemannsche? Richmannsche! Now the admiration for Riemann would have risen again. But here it is a Richmann!
After about a minute, you want to do more often buy the next time a kettle that has a temperature choice.
If you’re 80 degrees holy, buy a thermometer. This allows you to measure at intervals.