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2 years ago

Important to find out is not what you eat and how much sports you drive, but how much energy you take up and how much energy you burn, measured in kcal.

You can do so much sport if you eat too much you lose nothing.

You can monitor the input of calories using a calorie counting app. How much kcal you can do at nothing and burn at various trainings you can try to research on the Internet.

It is generally recommended not to exceed a calorie deficit of 500kcal daily. One says to lose a kilogram of fat you have to reach 7000kcaloric deficit. In order to lose a kg of fat, you need 14 days with a deficit of 500 kcal. At the beginning of a diet with a calorie deficit, water is often excreted. So it could be that you lose a little more weight in the beginning.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonym1j

is that too much

If you seriously ask this question, you should urgently talk to the doctor of your confidence about eating disorder.

2 years ago

You’ll probably feel better in the first week. Visible results can be noticed if you really stay on the ball after a few weeks.

It depends. If you are very overweight you can see progress at the beginning faster.

2 years ago

Only under medical supervision will you be consulted.