Wie lange bin ich nach Arbeitsende krankenversichert?
Meine Beschäftigung endete am 30.09. mein Antrag auf ALG1 ist noch in Bearbeitung weil mein Arbeitgeber eine Bescheinigung noch nicht austellen konnte. Jetzt kümmert sich das Arbeitsamt selbst darum, aber was ist wenn der Arbeitgeber wieder zu langsam ist und die Unterlagen nicht rechtzeitig übermittelt? Bin ich dann noch krankenversichert oder muss ich mich für den Monat freiwillig versichern?
There is no problem at all (for a maximum of 30 days) any subsequent entitlement to benefits (the scheme can be found in § 19 of the Social Code V.) And even after that, the KK will not immediately cease the services in the case of an ongoing ALG application.
According to § 19 SGB V future entitlement to benefit between two compulsory insurance periods of 1 month.
But you reported to the employment office in time. It’s enough for you to tell the health insurance. The sickness insurance company then requests the registration from the Office.
You are fully insured because the ALG is paid retroactively.
There is 1 month following free claim.
If the processing of your ALG – 1 application lasts longer and your health insurance company will notify you that you have applied for ALG – 1 and that it is still in operation.
If there is a claim for benefits at the Employment Agency after that, they will also pay retroactively your contributions to the sickness fund.
A month.