Wie lange bin ich meiner volljährigen Tochter gegenüber Unterhaltspflichtig, wenn die Ausbildung nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen wird?

Hallo ihr Lieben,

meine Tochter hat einen Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 9.

Nach Klasse 10 hat sie leider keinen Abschluss erreicht, auch nach einer Ehrenrunde nicht.

Sie befindet sich nun in einer schulischen Ausbildung zur Pflegeassistentin. Diese Ausbildung wird sie leider nicht mehr erfolgreich abschließen können.
Sie fehlt sehr oft, bekommt ihre Stunden in den Pflegeheimen nicht zusammen und hat schlechte Noten. Eigentlich scheint ihr die Ausbildung und ihre Zukunft ihr ziemlich egal zu sein.

Aktuell lebt sie noch bei uns Zuhause.

Wie lange sind wir für sie Unterhaltspflichtig?

Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten.

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1 year ago

Children and, by the way, parents, of course, are obliged to abstain for life, taking into account the need on the one hand and performance on the other.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rennegent

But not if the child does not make a degree and does not want to seek work. Parents are subject to maintenance only during training.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blindi56

No, but as long as the child is not able to contest his own maintenance. If that could not make it out of laziness, you’re right. But if it does not find a suitable job, the parents are there.

1 year ago

The problem is that she has to live despite everything from something. And, of course, the job center will deal with the question of parental support when they are capable of being worked. Someone has to pay, you can’t let them starve.

1 year ago

Yes, I wrote that in my answer: the child must report on training places or job requests. If it’s just going to go around or make a world trip, parents don’t have to pay. (But then there is no civic money….)

1 year ago

you have to pay until she has reached a gifted conclusion.

If she gives up and doesn’t make any more training she can go to work or apply for citizenship. Then you’re out.

1 year ago

Until she found a job. She can still report to the job center looking for training places, or just looking for work. Come out for the same. Or she would have to apply for civic money if she has no plans for the future.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blindi56

Citizens’ money is available only if parents are not able to raise the maintenance

1 year ago
Reply to  Rennegent

For a child who is over 25 who is not in any training and who does not want to do it, parents no longer have to pay any maintenance. Then the child must be clear on his own.