Wie lange bekommen AMD Grafikkarten Updates?
ich überlege mir bis Ende des Jahres die Rx 6750xt zuzulegen, da diese gerade noch so mit meiner CPU ohne Bottleneck läuft. Es scheint ja zurzeit so, dass sich in diesem Grafikkartenbereich nicht viel verändern wird. Von der neuen AMD Reihe habe ich nun schon länger nichts mehr gehört und die neue RTX 5060 wird ja leaks zufolge wieder nur 8gb haben…
Jetzt zu meiner Frage: Wenn ich dann Ende des Jahres die Rx 6750xt holen würde, wie lange Updates würde diese noch bekommen? Sie ist ja schließlich schon 2-3 Jahre alt.
For a long time. An official support end is not yet known. But the next few years you’ll have your rest. Most of the time, the graphics card is changed before the support end, as the performance no longer fits.
As an alternative, I can recommend the Intel Arc B580. The card costs a similar amount, also makes a similar amount (in Raytracing even more) and also comes with 12 GB VRAM.
AMD usually offers for its graphics cards Not less than 5 years Driver updates. The RX 6750 XT belongs to RDNA 2-generation (2022 published), so you can probably get to 2027 or longer with official driver updates.
Even older cards like the RX 5000 Series (2019) get even regular updates, so the 6750 XT is still a solid choice.
You Long-term support is important, current RDNA 3-cards (e.g. RX 7700 XT) would of course be a more future-proof option.
LG. Rainer with AI
Oh, my God!
you are coming out
Get some updates for a while – for the Radeon RX 580 (Kam 2017), the last driver came in March 24 – that is proud 7 years later.
Community drivers are available for the r9 290
What do you mean? I actually still use the r9 290 and that has, I think, 2022 get the last update.
Is community drivers that also run up-to-date games, of course if no raytracing is required, the nimez drivers are known, AMD drivers are open source, so they can be extended by the community