Wie lange archivieren Fotografen (Bewerbungs)fotos und müssen sie diese nochmal rausgeben?
Wie lange darf/muss ein Fotograf Fotos (mich persönlich interessieren Bewerbungsfotos, sollte es da einen Unterschied geben) aufbewahren? Gibt es zum Ende dieser Zeit eine Löschungsverpflichtung?
Und die zweite Frage ist, ob der Fotograf mir das Foto nochmal zuschicken muss (digital), wenn ich darauf bestehe? Ich habe nämlich die E-Mail verloren, wo es drin war. Oder muss man ihm das Foto dann nochmal bezahlen, teilweise, oder nochmal zum Vollpreis? – Ich würde es komisch finden, weil ich habe das Foto ja bereits als Datei bezahlt.
Not even a single day. He makes them available to you and otherwise does not have to store them. Many photographers still give CDs/USB with the data with (counter fee) or retrieval x days on platform so and so. It’s all voluntary.
So in theory, he doesn’t have to send the e-mail with retrieval link a second time, but I’d be surprised if a photographer really gets so crazy…
I had asked twice by e-mail, but never got a feedback. But thank you for your knowledge.
According to the GDPR, photos must in principle be deleted after the order processing. If you have signed a contract, it may be that a different regulation was agreed there. It can also be that the photographer lets it be stored for security for a few days or knows nothing about this regulation. If he doesn’t have the photos, he won’t be guilty.
I’m not a lawyer, but I think it’s just legal that the job is done by sending you the email. Especially if you can prove that you received the mail. If you swallowed the photos, this is unfortunately PP (personal bad luck). You can’t go to the store and buy a cell phone and then go back a few weeks later and say you lost it and like to have a new one.
If the photographer sends the pictures to you again, it’s out of pure cunning. If he does not respond to mails, contact him personally, call or go to the store if there is.