Wie lang verzögert sich die Periode bei wenig essen?
momentan esse ich (w15) sehr wenig (eine Mahlzeit am Tag) und mein Bauch ist dadurch auch sehr dünn geworden. Nun hätte ich eigentlich vor 6 Tagen meine Periode bekommen sollen, aber das habe ich immernoch nicht. ich hatte auch schon öfter Sex und bin in einer Beziehung, wir haben aber immer verhütet, also bin ich höchstwahrscheinlich NICHT schwanger.
meine Frage ist jetzt aber, ob meine Periode bei nur einer Mahlzeit am Tag komplett aussetzen kann, oder ob sie sich einfach Zeit lässt und wie lange. meine Periode ist momentan eigentlich immer unregelmäßig aber sie verzögerte sich immer nur um 3 Tage.
vielen Dank für eure Antworten 🙂
Hello j0hanna7391👋
In any case, you should eat more regularly, because such a eating behavior can quickly get you into a eating disorder.
Yes, if the body doesn’t get enough to eat, then the period can’t just move, but even stay completely. This is because the body wants to protect one from pregnancy and that’s nothing good, because the body is running on asparagus and knows that in this state it is not able to get a child.
Eat more. Why don’t you go to the doctor? The body is not a calibrated watch, it can always happen that the period shifts, either forward or back, and not always must have a medically explainable cause, but there can also be diseases that come into question as a cause. Some reasons may be:
Yes, in case of underweight, the period can be extended, because the body focuses on the vital organs.
If you continue, hair and teeth will suffer and the whole body.
You are in puberty and need to develop calories and nutrients.
Don’t do that to your body if you want to start family later.
Let’s check you out with the female doctor.
Good for you.
Maybe she can look spontaneously, but if you should stay underfeeded, the period will not come again. Your body doesn’t trust you to put a life in the world if you can’t keep you alive.
Yes, you become infertile by malnutrition.
eat more and keep safe (i.e. with the pill)