Wie lang sollte ich e-Gitarre täglich spielen?
Hi, ich weiß diese Frage ist bei jedem unterschiedlich aber trotzdem würde ich gerne fragen wie lang ich am Tag e-Gitarre üben sollte, und was ich in meine Übung einbauen sollte z.b akkordwechsel od. Picking und wie lange ich diese Sachen jeweils dann üben sollte. Mein Ziel ist es mich in 6 Monaten um einiges zu verbessern. Ich spiele jetzt seit 5 Monaten und würde sagen ich bin „Anfänger“ der schon paar Sachen kann.
freue mich über eure antworten
falls ihr noch irgendwelche Tipps habt immer raus damit 🙂
There will be no statement on the package.
But if you look at what is to be practiced, you will quickly get to know that everything is under half an hour, rather an hour, helpful but not suitable to achieve your goals.
My advice is therefore half an hour a day.
Share The time on in warming phase, finger exercises and the recovery of already learned are quite good. Then you deal with techniques and new topics and finally a “free part”, e.g. playing with Playalongs.
Important: always pay attention to quality, consistently practice and not just wander around. And use Metronom.
I don’t understand how to play properly with Metronom
Before I try to explain this, watch the video:
Under the day “how to play with Metronom” there are other vodeos.
This is exhausting and sometimes annoying, but you will later be much better grooved and if you may. with bass and drums play much better when you have a stable timing.
Thank you
if you want to get better, you should practice
how long depends on how your other schedule looks, and how much you want to practice
if you have to force yourself to practice, you should leave it, but no good guitarist from you will
Guitarists who can play extremely well, but who don’t make any sense in their work at all, can be seen at their work – at some point it will be boring to listen to them
that means a good guitarist, is not the one who can play at the PERFECTEST, but the one who can play well, and to whom it also prepares joy
It depends on how old you are. My son has been playing guitar (acoustic and electric guitar). He started 7 or 8. The teacher at the music school recommended approx. 10-20 min to practice. You can always rise according to your pleasure and mood.
Of course, it is important to note the over-efficiency whether and how quickly you achieve goals.
If you practice incorrectly, you can also practice 10 h a day without reaching something because you practice the wrong one for 10 h.
Overall, you should play an instrument maybe 30 minutes a day so that you can get really good at some point. :
Yepp, but that would be the minimum duration. The progress is then rather slow.
Yep the professionals practice between 5 and 8 h per day. And that (approximately) every day.
At least an hour.
Document your progress: