Wie lang sollte ein Kapitel in einem Buch sein?
Hallihallo Community ich wollte mal fragen, da ich selber in der letzten Zeit ein Buch schreibe und ich es eventuelle gerne veröffentlichen würde, wie lang so ein Kapitel seien sollte im durchschnitt? Danke!
The chapters should be as long as you need to deal with a particular topic that you have chosen to do.
A chapter should continue a story in the following way: Imagine or introduce the world/figure, advance the action or deepen the superordinate theme of your book.
How many words that will be at the end is left to the author’s vocabulary. More important than the length of a chapter are the conflicts that make the action exciting and tie the reader to the book. Conflicts are the A and O of an interesting story.
A chapter should be as long as it needs. And not a word more or less.
I don’t think there’s a real scale.
I always think that in this chapter everything I had planned is in.
Everything is possible between 1,500 and 10,000.
It should have exactly 3.284 words.
Everything is possible.
No one can and must make you any rules.
You are the author, and you decide how your book is built.
Chapters are intended to represent sense rejections, not to symbolize the achievement of a certain number of words. It is therefore also normal that some chapters are shorter and others are longer.
In addition, it also depends heavily on your style of writing how long a chapter is on average. Are you describing a lot and buzzing or rather short and precise?
As a rule you will feel, when a chapter is completed, all instinctive. And then you shouldn’t shorten anything or pull it artificially.
You can’t do it to all readers anyway.
But to call you a little target: I think everything from 2000 to 5000 words is pleasant in relation to online publications. In book form, I even don’t care, because I can put a bookmark there. It’s hard for me down there. Can work, but I usually have too little content/description.
This is only my personal opinion and not universally valid.
between 2500 and 3500 worte per capita I’ve heard
Mine are as long as it is the subject section (also available in the novel). to let Word count the words. Just to fall into a standard. That would be boring.
I used to google and just copy what was in here
Most chapters treat one or two scenes and include about 1,000 to 3,000 words.