Wie lang braucht ein Helix zu verheilen?
Also ich hab die Löcher schon über 1 Jahr und es tut immer noch des öfteren weh.
Ich hatte auch kurz msl nrn Ring drin aber nach 2 Wochen musst ich aufgeben weils zu weh tat.
Wie lang dauert das bis es gut is
Besonders wichtig hätt ich gern noch ein Forward Helix aber das will ich erst machen wenn das Ohr geheilt ist.
So zur info
Grün = verheilt
Pink = tut noch immer weh
blau = wunsch
(Passt nicht ganz ich hab ein ohrläppchen und dieses ohr nicht)
Piercings can be really fucked.
My nipple piercing and I like to stand on war foot. For two years
When it starts, I always take Prontolind-Gel, if that’s not enough, I’ll get to Tyrosur. We’ll get back after a few days.
How long it cures depends on how the hole was made.
Shot helixes like to need 1 – 2 years if they really heal.
Stoked helixes usually take about 6 – 12 months.
Powdered helixes are usually cured after about 2-4 months.
A real picture could have helped, so a fake picture does nothing.
What kind of jewelry is there? Titanium, steel, plastic? 1,2 or 1.6? Labret plug or barbell?
What do you care?
Greetings from Andrea from Dortmund (Piercerin & Bodymodderin since 1989)
1. Stools
Two. Titanium
3 kp how long the plug is, feeling too long
4 these screw plugs wherein a rear crane ball is and 2 flat
5 spray
If the plug is too long, it should be replaced if you stay stuck more often, this does not help to heal.
Spray is not an answer – there are many sprays.
I’m standing by
And then stand up for
In the studio there are garkeinen sessel
(For zig animals to think for the emotional suport, but I don’t really need that, I’d rather have been a bite for it)
I don’t know, I don’t have a bed in the studio, you usually sit and don’t lie, and I tell my customers what I’m doing.
I don’t know what’s been done
You are lying with the view to the side of the bed
Usually you measure the required length.
As I have said,
But I don’t really know what length you use
The lowermost sits well but the two uppers are my taste too long
So a normal Labretstud. The question is not where does he have the thread, but he fits?
So the ones from the beginning are no longer in
I’ve lost the ball too often and now I’ve brought the other rod flat in it because you screw the plug into the rod
So in the art
Cleany Skin is good.
Actually, you always make a longer plug in at the beginning and change it later against a shorter one.
I’m honest I don’t know if he’s too long or that’s what she’s done to me for longer, because my ohrmuschl has nen knick
And I am more accustomed to have the normal plugs where the closure sits completely on the ear and not this stubborn
Cleanly skin
My helix has approx. 1.5 years used until it was cured halfway. Weh is still doing it every now and then… About 20 years after stealing
This should not hurt after a few days (or just “pochen”, even if a few weeks is still sensitive. A year of pain speaks for badly done. Were you with a proper piercer? Sounds like broken cartilage tissue.
Not bloody pain
But always hurt and irritated
I was in a real studio and I paid 190€ with jewellery
6 to 12 months when everything goes well
It’s 14 years old
Can take long
My helix reports again and again after 25 years