Wie lagert man Wein richtig?


ich ziehe bald in eine neue Wohnung. Ich habe einen „Lagerraum- Speiseraum“ wo aber die Verteilung der Fußbodenheizung ist. (warm).. Der Keller ist auch nicht wirklich kalt sondern auch relativ warm. (Neubau) wie kann ich hier meinen Wein am besten lagern – max. 1-2 Jahre da sie ja getrunken werden müssen. 😉

Einen extra Weinkühlschrank zu besorgen weiß ich nicht ob es sich auszahlt. (ca 30 Weinflaschen immer) was wäre der beste Raum bzw. wo und wie soll ich sie am besten Lagern.

Ich bitte um Tipps.


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9 months ago


How to store wine properly?

An optimal storage would mean cool (10-12° C.), at as constant temperature as possible, absolute darkness, well ventilated and vibration-free.

The highest priority is the most constant temperature and absolute darkness. It may also be a few degrees higher, plus absolute darkness.

Whether a wine cabinet is recommended, apart from your budget, depends on the quality of the wines you want to store. Many relatively small wine cabinets are also offered. These are not really so expensive. An example of up to 33 bottles.

If it’s mostly discounter wines, then you can probably save it. Such wines are not better and should not be stored long.

Good to you… and stay healthy.

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

9 months ago

I don’t know if to get an extra wine refrigerator. (about 30 wine bottles always)

So at 30 bottles it is worth every time, 30 bottles do not even fit into many wine cabinets, but the most important thing is: is the wine high quality or discountware?

MichaelStumpf has said it very well in principle.

9 months ago

A cool room is really recommended. If this is not present, the wine refrigerator with a corresponding size and different temperature zones would be the best solution.

Red wine can also be 6-8 years old.

9 months ago

As WInzerssohn:

For cheap wine from the discounter it doesn’t matter.

With more expensive wine, you will probably have the money for a suitable refrigerator.