Wie kriegt man Steam Sammelkarten?
So weit ich weis muss man nur irgendein Game zocken, wo es Steam Sammelkarten gibt (z.B csgo). Wenn man welche bekommt sollten diese dann im Steam Inventar sein. Allerdings habe ich das bereits über 100 Stunden gespielt und habe immer noch keine. Was mache ich falsch? Oder was verstehe Ich nicht?
You get approx. half the cards are relatively fast at the beginning and then it can be that you get cards again or even sometimes card packs.
When playing Free2Play, it depends on how much money you spend for the game through e.g. lootboxes in the game. You could pick up all the cards by ingame purchases.
This is intended to exchange the missing cards with other Steam users. Or you buy them directly for money from the community marketplace.
These collection cards are obtained by achievements
I have from 126/167 for example win a round by placing a bomb and then you get the card
I’ve done countless paintings. But still have none.
Funny, I got the card on the first day.
I will be shown that I have unlocked an achievement, but if I look at the inventory I have no csgo collection cards. I just remembered that I’ve already got a collection card in other games. I just didn’t know what it was and I just sold it. only in csgo I have no in the inventory.
I don’t know, but I already have over 700 hours in ETS2 and don’t even have half of the collection cards together
I didn’t get one
Evtl has something to do with playing time + successes. I only know that you can convert the cards into gemstones and then make a kind of booster pack (if you have enough gems)
I have 1 third with just 59 hours of play…. I have the feeling that this is random…
Also possible 🙂
Do you know how to get everyone at ets?
Was also just a mute of me ^^
I also have many successes