Wie kriegt man Klebereste vom Fahrradrahmen sauber ab, ohne den Lack zu schädigen?
Ich hab mir ein Fahrrad gekauft, was ich sehr liebe, es ist schnuckelig und fährt sich super bequem. Nur die Labels/Aufkleber sind voll häßlich, ich mag sie überhaupt nicht und hab sie zurecht geschnitten und den Rest abgemacht. Nun sind aber lauter Klebereste an den Stangen, wie kriegt man die sauber und ohne Lackschäden ab?
The first attempt would be to warm up with the hair and remove the sticker
If that doesn’t help, I would grab WD40
Spray the rest clean and let it work
if you take a hair dryer and warm the remains you will get them off. That would have worked fine with the stickers!
achso ok
the stickers had also worked with the hair dryer, which also worked great and then simply cut to the same. but the most adhesives were still quite firm, maybe too little.. but thanks for the Tip👍
You can remove the rest with wash gasoline or with liquid barbecue lighter.
I’ve often analyzed the WD 40 enough in the lab.
Yes, thanks for your approval 🙂
If you know the difference in composition so well, do it.
I’d rather take WD40.
Brake cleaner
Brake cleaner attacks the paint.
Then don’t take acetone
Take nitro dilution, then you can repaint…
Like this:
super, thanks, I’ll try WD40 and if that doesn’t work, I’ll get something like on your photo
WD40 is a cleaner for oily or greasy soiling.
Adhesive residues are not removed.
all well, keys can slip away 😉
PS: Not Reriniger, but Cleaner.
Oh, okay.
Fat dissolves the residues, then wipe fat with residues.
Then clean with soap.
Wash gasoline works very well.
Also nail varnish remover .
does he not attack the paint?
Yes I would try if WD40 didn’t work
I got WD40, great, thank you.
ah ok.. same dissolves in the same👍 thanks you
And NagelLACK is a new LACK.
The same goes in the same way.
Don’t use anything that hurts is the top rule.
Do as I wrote and everything okay
now nail polish attacks the bicycle paint or not? I don’t know, so I’m asking.
Wash gasoline too.
See my tip