wie kriegt man geschlechtskrankheiten?

ich weiß wie sie übertragen werden und so. Aber man steckt sich ja an. Aber woher kommen die wenn sich jeder nur ansteckt?

Hat man manche Geschlechtsktankheiten von Geburt an oder kommen die erst später? Ich checks nicht.

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8 months ago

Of course, there can be no certainty about this. The first occurrence of a disease is unambiguously determinable anyway, because the disease must be demarcated and the delimitation is arbitrary.

Nothing comes out of nothing, at any time before each organism was one from which it originated.

Ultimately, we come from higher animals all from singles from the sea. And those of any lower forms of life. It’s not different with bacteria and viruses.

8 months ago

Some mutation of the antigens has enabled to be transferred to other hostes by sexual spread.

8 months ago

You can get sexual diseases from birth, at a vaginal birth from the mother or by sexual intercourse.

It’s always someone who’s sick with one or the other illness, because you can never eradicate it completely, so it’s always around as everyone can have it without knowing it.

8 months ago
Reply to  foreveralone22

Good question. Is just like any other disease someone has got it first somehow by mutation or something (do not know me) and put on others. Like corona and all other new diseases. In the case of corona, I even think the first one that had known it, but in the case of HIV rather do not think. At that time, the medicine wasn’t as good as it was until they found out what it was.

8 months ago

Corona has been there since ancient times.

8 months ago

I don’t know.

8 months ago

Everybody’s stuck somewhere. Most of them came from mutations.

You can plug in (depending on the type of pathogen) by contacting body secretions, blood, etc of infected persons.

8 months ago

Can also be transmitted by animals. It is believed that HIV was caused by the transfer from monkey to humans.

8 months ago

Sexual diseases arise when you come into contact with body fluids coming from infected persons (such as sperm, blood or vaginal secretions). They are not transmitted from birth, but are transferable by intercourse/contact with body fluids. Some people only notice very late that they are infected because they may not have symptoms or do not notice/perceive the symptoms at the beginning. Hope this helps to understand!

8 months ago
Reply to  foreveralone22

Right. Gender diseases are actually infections caused by viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms which are transmitted through body fluids. The infection arises only when the microorganisms land on the body surface or in body fluids of another person and are thus spread.

8 months ago

But there are also those in which the mother can infect the unborn child in the abdomen. Then the child would be infected from birth.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jana174923

Yes, there are some gender diseases that are transferable to unborn like syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea and some others. In such cases, the child can already be infected in the womb, so also from birth.