Wie kriegt man Eltern überredet keine Zäpfchen etc zu bekommen?

Hey ich wollte mal fragen wie man denn seine Eltern überredet bekommt das man keine Zäpfchen mehr bekommen muss. Bin männlich und 13 und jedes mal wenn ich krank bin muss ich immernoch Zäpfchen bekommen oder bei Verstopfung Einläufe. Genauso das Fieberthermometer kommt bei mir noch in den Po.. vorhin musste ich wieder ein Zäpfchen bekommen und ich hasse es! Egal wie oft ich es sage das ich es nicht mehr möchte wird mir nur gesagt dort wird mir am schnellsten geholfen. Meine Mutter sagt auch immer zu den Zäpfchen Poporakete was mich auch sehr stört. Es ist mir einfach gott verdammt peinlich jedes mal ein Zäpfchen bekommen zu müssen.

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7 months ago

You can ask if you can’t get a fever juice or a tablet. Disadvantages here could be, however,: in some cases elusive taste, delayed start of action, less strong effect, other side effects. I’m afraid you have to take care of what’s better for you.

My sons are at your age and both fairs in the Po and cups are not a problem for both. But I really don’t have to say anything like poporakete. Rather, the two make jokes about it, then I also know that cups are still not a problem.

Both sons know the temperature measurement in the Po of small and know that one measures the exact temperature. They learned early “Don’t be good, fever is measured “. In the case of fever, we also do this 3-4 times a day to know if the fever is lowered or even if the suppositories have helped if we may have to become a doctor.

What do your parents say about the subject? Did you ask her if alternatives are possible? I hope I could help

9 months ago

Pots are just best to help. It’s completely normal that you get suppers, even at your age. And fever should always be measured in the Po anyway. Just relax when you get a cup or get a fever and then it’s just half as unpleasant. But at one point I agree with you, your mother should not say more poporakete, just ask her if next time she can use the word just say cups.

5 months ago

Same Bro I feel you. I’m 14 and I’m gonna get the cups and the thermometer in the Po mega corrosive. There are no alternatives for me.

4 months ago
Reply to  Danni9610

I know people where your age was. What do you think?

4 months ago
Reply to  BBasti89M

And did they say anything about it?

4 months ago

I think so, why?

Unless you’d break the drug, of course.

9 months ago

For illnesses of toddlers in it necessary to measure through the Po Fieber and suppositories you need if you otherwise break the medicine and your parents have brought something together here.

The same as you experience other children. And your parents shouldn’t judge you for the appearance or otherwise for your body if they are themselves who ask you to take off for a medical treatment.

If you see your doctor next time, especially if your parents should listen, ask for advice about the problem. He must also answer such a question and can, among other things, give your parents the idea that the cups are necessary extremely quickly.

9 months ago

Tell your parents that this is unhealthy

7 months ago

What’s unhealthy about it?