Wie kriege ich meine derelisation vom kiffen weg?
Hallo ich habe seit Ende mai jeden Tag hhc oder joints geraucht und erkenne mich einfach nicht mehr wieder bin nur noch verträumt und nichts fühlt sich mehr real an habe jetzt seid 3 Tagen nicht gekifft also Samstag das letzte mal gekifft. Es ist sehr schwer durchzuhalten aber ich will das ich wieder normal werde. Weiß jemand wann diese derelisationen aufhört? Nach 1 Woche oder 1 Monat ohne kiffen ?
to stop a good and important step with the Kiffen.
When the derealizations stop again is very different. This can happen if the effect of the drug decreases, but can also take much longer.
There are different treatment approaches (psychotherapy, mindfulness,…).
I don’t want to rule out that the derealization with you will disappear “by itself”, but it would certainly be good to find out about possible treatment methods.
Do you have a doctor or a doctor with the one or you can speak openly?
I can give you more information if you’re interested in it?
One more short info to me: I belong to a team of professional social workers who are on the net in search. We try to support and advise users, in particular on addiction and consumption. Our offer is of course free and anonymous.
Best regards
Hannah from the DigiStreet team of drug help Schwaben gGmbH
By abstinence (delay) on cannabis and HHC
What to do with HHC, you can watch in the video: