Wie kriege ich es hin 2 junge, ungezähmte Lovebirds zu zähmen/zu füttern ohne ihnen Angst zu machen?
ich habe mir gestern 2 Jungvögel zugelegt (aus diesem Jahr), ihre Schnäbel sind auch noch zum Großteil schwarz.
Diese Vögel sind ungezähmt und fürchten meine Hand. Ich verstehe, dass sie noch ihren Eltern nachtrauern, aber das legt sich langsam.
Meine Frage ist nun, wie ich ihr Futter nachfüllen kann ohne Sie wegzujagen. Weil mein Ziel ja ist mich mit ihnen anzufreunden, aber wenn ich jeden Tag ihr Futter nachfülle, dann dringe ich ja in ihren persönlichen Raum an, was sich in meinen Augen eher kontraproduktiv auswirkt/auswirken kann.
Also: Wie kriege ich es hin 2 junge, ungezähmte Lovebirds zu zähmen/zu füttern ohne ihnen Angst zu machen?
Bei Fragen gebe ich gerne weitere Infos.
I don’t think that birds roam their “parents” but rather the usual environment.
How to tame animals in general: Take your time and leave the animals time. Don’t force anything. Easy to move around the cage (no hectic or loud with objects flappers).
Animals do not humanize and think of things like “I infiltrate him of their personal space, which is counterproductive”. You feed them – so this is a necessary activity for the birds, which they also learn to link positively to you.
I’ll try. Thank you.
I suppose you mean inseparable (Agapornis). They’re just going to be tame when you keep them one by one (which is not art-friendly). Because they then fix themselves to people due to lack of partners. As a couple, they are mutual enough. At best, they lose something they’re afraid of you because they got used to you. You can speed up something if you keep them with your hand occasionally.
My goal is to let them fly in the room, get my finger and get them back into the cage.
It could be hard to do with him. You have to spend a lot of time with the animals, build confidence and work with bribes.
First of all, you should find out what they’re really going on for food. A certain fruit, sunflower seeds or something else small in the direction. And that’s what you’re doing. Initially, when they voluntarily move to your hand, later only the stretched out of hand and finally only when they come on hand.