Wie “krass” sind 4400 Scoville Schärfe?
Ich esse gerne scharf. Das schärfste was ich gegessen habe waren koreanische Nudeln mit 4400 scovile.
Wie krass ist das , zum Beispiel im Vergleich mit Chili Sorten?
Ist das schon viel was ich aushalten oder eher nicht?
Also im Vergleich mit Menschen, die garnichts scharfes essen, ist es sicher viel.
Depends on what you’re comparing it with the sharpest chilli pod, that’s nothing. But if there’s someone the sharpness isn’t tolerated or not often it’s certainly a lot.
4400 listens to a lot for people who do not wear sharply at all, but in comparison with him the most sharpest chilli in the world (Carolina Reaper) the one scoville of approx. 1.8 million – 2.2 million, your 4400 scoville next to the Chilli are like a tiny sand grain. So all over 1000 scoville is sharp, but at the same time also very mild. I can sharpen up to 30000 scoville, but then it will be too sharp for me. From 100000 it is already in the area where breathing problems, strong sweating and much more can happen. So if you want to taste sharper dishes, you better take a little step, because everyone scovill could cost your life.
Now again a small summary: 4400 scoville are mild, but also sharp. Everyone has his own mind, for me it’s cute. But I also have a lot of people in the circle of friends who disgust us. So that’s a lot for her. You can never say a question or no. There’s always a man who says that’s nothing you eat. I hope I could help you.
If you can eat (Thai Chillies), Scotch Bonnet, Habanero, as a European, then you are (here) well with you. But in regions such as South East Asia or West Africa this is normal (the norm).
About as much as Tabasco sauce.
So according to my feeling normal.
Sharp would be much more for me
4400 are nothing.
4400 Scoville have Jalapeños. I’ll eat them without tooaking.
That’s how it gets sharp.
It’s not that much.