Wie kostenlos Klavier lernen?
Hallo, ich würde mir gerne selbst Klavier beibringen (um die Frage, ob das nun sinnvoll ist oder nicht ohne Klavierlehrer, soll es hier nicht gehen 😉 ). Ich habe auf YouTube nach einer Playlist gesucht, mit der man das tun kann, bin aber nur auf Videos für absolute Anfänger gestoßen, also wo erstmal erklärt wird, was Noten, Akkorde etc. sind. Ich spiele allerdings seit 10 Jahren ein Blasinstrument, kenne das also alles schon.
Nun zu meiner Frage: Wie lerne ich am besten? Ich habe mir überlegt, mir statt einer Playlist Einzelvideos anzuschauen und hätte jetzt mit Videos zum Fingersatz begonnen. Ist das sinnvoll? Wie würdet ihr vorgehen oder seid vorgegangen? Zu welchen Themen sollte ich mir noch Videos angucken? Danke schonmal im Voraus 🙂
Hello throttle bar, sooooo…
First of all, it would be helpful to find out your definition of “Klavierspiele kann”. There are two types. Type A can read notes, is the view that playing piano is like “to hit the right button on the basis of the note” and simply wants to crawl around in a dilletically, without having to look at it that people might hear him with a little idea, which then will not find it well. Often, this attitude goes hand in hand with a completely false self-perception (but not always) and the one actually thinks of a rotten pianist. There is no objection to this. If you’re this type A, I don’t have an answer for you. I am a hobby (be it playing piano or writing or anything else) so lax never started, I always wanted to be type B.
Type B would then be the one who actually wants to make good, beautiful music that wants to get rid of the instrument sound and real music. If you’re this guy, I have some answers. These in the following, I doubt that you like them. But this is now also “good question” and not “response I would like”. In this respect:
If it is not possible, it does, however, in the case of that type B. Because it is not sensible in the case to learn without teachers. And the meaning of the whole is your question. Without a teacher, there is no professional feedback, that’s something that can’t afford an app, video and no tutorial, as good as it may be. And feedback is and remains the only way to learn a challenging activity in a minute. I’ve been in music circles for 35 years, amateurs like professionals. The number of autodidacts on the piano that I met is likely to be three-digit. None of them were good or ever good. At best, they have reached the Klimper level of type A unless they have given up beforehand. Some are enough (again nothing is to be done), others have postponed their perception, stand for pianists and ignore any serious criticism. I have nothing against the first, against the second,
No, I just gave the reason. And there I am again with the essence of the piano game. It is not about pressing the right button at the right time. It is about a video-audiomotor process involving the entire upper body motor, precisely controlled by the brain. This cannot convey a video that can only convey a professional teacher in a long work. If you get that on top and practice the way efficiently, you can try as an autodidact. But until then it’s a long way.
Well, preferably, I would save the time, as already described. What topics should we do? In the end, the answer remains the same.
Well, basically it’s up to you to decide for type A or B. I wish you a lot of success in your decision making and, of course, also in the way you are in the end.
In this sense, lg up
Thank you for the detailed answer! I don’t want to be a famous professional pianist now, but only type A you described isn’t enough for me, so there’s something in between. I’ll think about it again with a piano teacher, thank you!