How did it get to this point that we in Austria have twice as many food costs as the Germans?

It's also set to become 30% more expensive again. Where will that end up? Soon, no one in Austria will be able to afford a family.

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1 year ago

Well, we’ve lost 20% of our GDP by the excessive measures… and now we’re getting to feel the consequences of this. Tourism is much more important than in Germany. Especially since in Austria, politicians obviously don’t give a damn. So no matter what area does not take measures to catch the burden, especially since it is necessary to admit that food in Austria has always been more expensive than that in Germany.

1 year ago

Is that so high? Prices have also increased in Germany.

In Austria, the foods used to be more expensive than in Germany. VAT is higher.

1 year ago

We don’t pay twice in Austria. Yes, the costs are higher, but the extra price is between 10-30%, not 100% over all product groups.

The reasons are versatile, a few reasons are:

  • Extremely high density of supermarkets
  • Higher taxes (so I mean not only turnover tax)
  • Much stronger regulation for small employees compared to German mini-jobbers
1 year ago

And the same is what people say in Germany. All that has become so expensive and no one can afford anything.

And if there has not been a drastic change in prices in Austria since the beginning of March, prices are not twice as high as in Germany but almost at the same level and only a few cents higher than here in Germany. But I will see that in two weeks at the latest when I am back in Austria.

1 year ago

Always overdoing