Wie konnte man Bitcoin 2009-2011 kaufen?
Mein Vadda meinte, man musste das damals auf einen USB-Stick ziehen. Und es hätte auch nicht wirklich leicht funktioniert.
Stimmt das so? Gab es damals nicht sowas wie Broker, wo man auch einfach BTC hätte kaufen können?
As far as I know, there were first peet to peer stock exchanges or one knew last people who had or have mined themselves.
Also the Wallets were very Rudimentary mostly Paper Wallets where private and public key stood on one side or hold on a USB stick etc.
Not as easy as today with various apps and hardware wallets. Lightning has much simplified and accelerated.
Was there Youtube tutorials on how to do this or was it just something for computer clients?
There was nothing but very few who read the White Paper and were convinced by Bitcoin.