Wie konnte das passieren dass die Chinesen so wahnsinnig stark geworden sind?

Unglaublich an was Teenager bzw junge Erwachsene aus den Häusern von Tencent, Alibaba, Huawei etc so arbeiten. Alles sichtbar auf Github. Neuronale Netze, biometrische Authentifizierung, verteilte Datenbank-Dienste, und und und…. Das ist MINT in der Oberliga, wo jede deutsche TU einer Grundschule gleicht. Wie konnte es passieren, dass die Chinesen so stark geworden sind? Vor 40 Jahren lagen die noch in Ruinen. So geht technische Zukunft.

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1 year ago

Right. There, there is not being negotiated with tens of people in a senseless manner, and the wheel is being re-invented every day. You’re pulling on a string. In one direction. Together…

1 year ago

We made them big by letting China produce cheap as an extended workbench. Now they overtake us, that was the price for it. However, I do not want to live in China.

1 year ago

China was a major part of the last millennia global leader, at least what economic performance was going on.

A large country with disastrous quantities of labour and quite a few raw materials now has a huge potential.

It takes “only” a leadership that unites the country and can think tactical wisely and mediumly or long-term and to plan the enthusiast for the country.

1 year ago

The comparison between billions of companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, Huawei with public facilities is somewhat slanted.

In addition, you speak of “passing” in headline, so critical, but end with praise song “so goes technical future!” Like you don’t really know what you want to say.

1 year ago

and work 16 hours a day, not only 8

1 year ago

where each German TU resembles a primary school.

That’s bullshit.

How could it happen that the Chinese have become so strong?

Success at the expense of the health of the population. If we had “Bock” on an 80-hour week for a hunger wage, it would also be possible with us.

1 year ago
Reply to  AllesAufNull

The next troll. Okay.

But respect that you’ve made such a long text in your initial question….

1 year ago
Reply to  BrascoC

At the end of the day even China has a life expectancy of not even a year less than Germany and a higher than America.

In addition, secondary schools are also technically well comparable with the upper secondary school as well as a university of applied sciences.

1 year ago
Reply to  BrascoC

Hunger wages don’t pay them anymore.

1 year ago

If you’re awarding China like that, hopefully you live there, right?

1 year ago

Joa, “typical German” that’s fine. Ask the Chinese.

And that’s what it was now on your bullshit. Good night.

1 year ago

The Bible says: The little ones will be the big ones tomorrow! That’s how it happened.

1 year ago

China used to be world power.

Now they’re getting up. Europe, USA, China should work together, China should become a democracy.

1 year ago
Reply to  huebschwerden

China used to be world power.

When was that supposed to be?