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The animals are acting animals that were specially cast for the films. You already have film experiences in other films, e.g. in Star Wars (including the Cantina Bar). Therefore they play their roles as natural and not as ordinary pets or zoo animals.
Of course, they do not speak the language in which the film is shown. They are synchronized like human actors. Her native languages are predominantly African and Indian, as well as French.
That’s not true. The movie “King of Lions” is a computer animation!
I admit that this is computer-animated “real films”.
My answer that it is “Great animals” was not meant seriously. Like the FS Incognito question certainly not meant seriously.
These are computer animations and figures. On disney plus you can also see how everything was animated. Unbelievable.
These are computer animations and not real animals. Looks real, but it’s not like that.
These are just as animations as the previous films.
Calls photorealism
They’re computer animated. Even very good.
This is all created on the computer
My hangover talks to me like life.
they are animated on the computer
Please, please let it be a joke question.
Ever heard of computer animation?
No, what is that? Is that an animal translator?
It’s not a joke question, it’s a Incognito question.
the questioner or questioner still suffocates to so much delicious sarcasm 😂😂 But yes, let’s hope it’s at the end a joke post is 🙏
It’s just a wink with a stake…
The left is not
These are people who dress up as animals.
Level 80?????????????