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Person A wants a 3 BMW for (used) 6,000,- € has no money.
So Person A now checks in his big family / Clan who can give him money and asks his two “rich” uncles (B and C) whether they loan him 3,000,- for a year. Since person B is very successful with his vegetable store and person C has a “pommesbude” for a long time, they lend him the money.
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(Any similarities with persons, cultures or races are not intended and purely random.)
in which they earn money through their criminal acts ..
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fuel tax gap (has used the mafia in the 60s)
drug trafficking…
Or if you like any such rap video most. naja rap stop isn’t criminal
There’s an expensive car, but it’s just a loan. :
not always, but mostly, for example, 187 is also worth showing what they really have ^
Because they’re KRIMINELL.
Oh, come on, you’ve got so much imagination.
By the way, many “criminals” buy such a car to fifth and use it alternately or together.
Because they’re criminal.
The answer is in your question. I’m sure you’ll get it.
In your question the answer is already included.
I hope I could help!