Wie komprimiere ich Fotos für Gmail?

Von Frau Google bekam ich viele Infos. Will einfach nicht klappen. Bsp.: Ich versuche 2 Fotos jeweils 5.500KB (zusammen 11.000KB) zu senden, vergeblich. Also habe ich die beiden in eine ZIP-Datei zu komprimieren, klappt nicht, weil es immer noch bei 11.000KB, hä. Wie geht es dann?

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3 months ago

Since I myself have been as old as I am (37 years ) and myself have a Google domain, so this @ in the end, I can also explain why sending such high files does not go. Look at the bottom right (at least with me so) from over 10MB as an appendix is over. You usually get (from Google Server) as No repley message that the photos would be too big for the file. If I send files example from my smartphone, I send this file for the first time on my computer or server, and make it a copy. I edit the original photo with the help of Microsoft Paint. And put in this photo a kind of grid, and change the size there. So X(x)Z and Z(x). So the length and width. And save it as storage as a jpg file. And will overwrite it. A photo of me also has so loose 6 to 7 MB. With the program of Microsoft only about 3 to 4 MB. Per photo. To send several photos, you should send the same email again. But only with a different photon.

Here’s a hide from me personally:

3 disk space in Gmail

  1. E-mails you can delete can be found via Google Search . Example:
  • E-mails that exceed a certain size, e.g. 15 MB (test in gmail)
  • Older emails, e.g. e-mails you received more than three years ago (test in gmail)
  • Emails with attachments (test in gmail)
  • Newsletter, emails from groups or news to the organization that come from the same sender or have a standard subject
3 months ago

Images (e.g. JPEGs) are often already strongly compressed, so ZIP hardly brings a size reduction. To send photos successfully:

1.Reduce images: Reduce resolution (e.g. with preview, paint or online tools such as TinyPNG).

Two.Using cloud services: Upload images on Google Drive, Dropbox or WeTransfer and share the link.

Email attachments often have a size limit (10-25 MB), so the cloud is often the best solution.

3 months ago


You can install an AddOn in your e-mail program, which asks before the user whether to reduce the images.

It is not possible to snap because the images are already highly compressed.

It’s just that you reduce the resolution. You can also do this manually with Irfanview.

3 months ago

Using a program like Paint.net to edit the resolution or reduce the quality. 5% less quality saves about 50% file size.

3 months ago

enfach WE transfer