Wie kommuniziere ich dem Arbeitgeber, dass ich kein Arbeitszeugnis habe?

Hallo alle,

habe momentan folgendes Problem:
Ein potenzieller Arbeitgeber möchte ein Arbeitszeugnis von mir haben. Hintergrund: Ich war mehrere Jahre in einer geringfügigen Beschäftigung.
Nun ist es so, dass ich nie eins haben wollte und der Arbeitgeber damals verstarb. Außerdem ist das Unternehmen sehr klein gewesen, ca. 10 Mitarbeiter, sodass dies auch sonst niemand bezeugen könnte.

Wie würdet ihr hier vorgehen?
Freue mich sehr über Anregungen und Ansichten!

Liebe Grüße

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2 years ago

It went stupid.

In principle, you have the right to request a certificate at a later date. However, since your former employer has died and no one else can judge your achievements there, no one will want to give you a certificate.

Communicate that openly to your new potential employer that you did not want a job certificate at the time and unfortunately can no longer demand it, as the former employer has died.

2 years ago

You could send you a simple job certificate. Then there’s only when you worked there.

Otherwise: just be honest.

2 years ago


say that you have failed to request this and the employer has passed away for some time.

About Anna

2 years ago

Except that you can tell the potential new employer exactly DAS, nothing else is left to you. Either he’s still trying with you or he’s leaving it. You don’t have another way. And before you come up with the idea of falsifying a job certificate: leave it! The problems that might come to you are in no proportion!

2 years ago

when the former chief is deceased, the heir had, but no one will surrender to a work certificate.

be honest with the new AG, you have no chance because… see above

2 years ago

Just explain as above.