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We used to have this in DE, for example trams, which held in the middle of a four-lane road – without platform and at the edge there was a stop sign. The regulation stipulates that the drivers should be kept. This does not work, but it was said earlier that the right balance between boldly progress and be sufficiently careful.
Put a link to Google Street View or the address of the stop. Then you can tell it exactly.
“Sensely in the middle of the highway” is too inaccurate. You mean a multi-lane road. You will hardly be left out in the middle of the road, without there being a pedestrian crossing, a underpass or the like.
If it is at the edge of the road: Land roads generally do not have a sidewalk, except in local passages. This has nothing to do with Spain.
You’re being exposed, but you want to go to the other side of the road. The stop is an island and around driving cars.
I made it over that bridge at that time, but I didn’t really feel safe because cars are driving, and you can’t get right over the highway
So it is actually so thought: Here you see the sidewalk and a way through the traffic island to the stop (and vice versa):
On the other side of the bridge, the sidewalk passes and you just have to cross the entrance:
I’d guess about the lane(s). How would you get there?
On motorways there are no stops and no pavements, even in Spain!
Very careful
If you’ve already experienced it, you know how you came to the sidewalk.