Wie kommt man von einem ungesunden Lebensstil weg?
Wie ungesund ist dieser Lebensstil von meinem Vater ?
Er ist 60 Jahre alt. Er raucht den ganzen Tag über 1 Schachtel Zigaretten. Morgens frühstückt er , Brote, Eier, trinkt seinen Kaffee. Ab mittags wenn er von der Arbeit kommt, dann nur noch bis spät abends verteilt drei Liter Bier. Er hat bereits Bluthochdruck , Gicht, gelben Auswurf, muss ständig Husten. In einer Situation konnte er nicht mehr aufstehen aus dem Bett und litt unter Atemnot und er hat dann sein Asthma Spray genommen das hat meine Mutter ihm geholt.
Richtige Mahlzeiten werden selten, 1-2x pro Woche.
Das hört sich natürlich nicht so an für Außenstehende , aber das sind ja Süchte und Gewohnheiten die sich nicht so einfach abstellen lassen. Er macht das im Prinzip schon seit Jahrzehnte so mit Alkohol und Zigaretten und kommt nicht davon los. Alkohol und Zigaretten machen ja auch stark abhängig wenn man einmal drin hängt wie soll jemand davon loskommen, es wär ja schade wenn die Person weitermacht bis sie dann irgendwann vorzeitig schwer krank wird oder sogar stirbt .
Unfortunately, we have often talked about the risks, lung cancer, copd, varicose veins in the neck, asthma, bladder cancer, liver cancer, liver cirrhosis. Water in the abdomen, strokes, heart attack, brain infarction, high blood pressure, diabetes, vascular closures, smoker legs.
Your father hasn’t changed anything so far and I’m afraid that despite the urgency he will not and will not change his lifestyle.
You’ve already tried everything verbally, can’t force him, since he knows the risks, he decided to continue his lifestyle.
You’re burdening everything more than your parents.
Only through your own desire, a withdrawal and discipline. Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear.
Good for you.
I hear bladder cancer for the first time ..?
Unfortunately yes, by smoking it can arise, bad
Thank you for the ⭐ I am very happy about it, all the good for you.
My father has smoked, drank, eaten unhealthy until his life’s end, pearing are just free people, they do what they want
You can’t change your father. He is an adult person and has to decide how he feeds and what addiction he takes. If you’re trying to educate him, you’re making life hard for both of you. It could end up in a hand-resistant dispute – it’s not helped.
The only thing you can do is learn from it and make it even better.
Yes the lower part is actually a good answer. If you get rid of alcohol or smoke so easily would be great. There’s no such magic formula.
You have to want it yourself. But if you don’t want it to be. Everyone is allowed to choose.
That doesn’t sound so great, but if he doesn’t want you can’t do anything. Look that you’re closing a death insurance! You’ll need them soon!
Your father is based on himself, and he even has the right to do so. If he doesn’t have a bock for a long life, stop him.
PS: You want to tell him about healthy life and shake You’ve got lots of eDrinks until your heart snaps…? So…
I myself was not with the 8 Energy Drinks ..
I used to drink a can every day today I try to reduce it to sometimes one and most water.
Your father is old enough to decide what he does. You have to stay out of this.
Take care of your shit. Then your father is less worried.