How do you get off drugs?
Hello folks
I've been on something or other for the past month and a half. Whether it's alcohol, weed, or MDMA. I know it's not normal, but I think I might be addicted to drugs. It started two years ago when I used to drink and smoke weed in the summer, but only with friends. This time it's different. I'm 14, almost 15. How do I get out of this? I can't just go to my mom and tell her I'm addicted to a few things, can I? She'll probably worry too much. Besides, if her boyfriend finds out, he'll probably laugh at me and embarrass me. Is there a way I can get out of this on my own?
Dependence is a disease. Whether you are dependent or not, can best judge professionals. But everyone here can tell you that your consumption is dangerous. Good thing you recognized it!
I advise you not to do this alone, but to contact someone who supports you. For example, you can contact a consultancy office. It goes completely confidential, does not involve any obligations and does not cost you anything. Is there probably also near you:
Here, too, on a good question, professionals are on the way to talk about this. For example:
Good luck!
Two self-help communities where you can ask:
Simple: to be abstinent! Easy to be and to be reasonably engaged.
You have to, and then you go.
It works with smoking, too.