How do you get over your grandfather's death?
So as I wrote above, my grandpa died on 16.07.23 and I am still struggling with his death
So as I wrote above, my grandpa died on 16.07.23 and I am still struggling with his death
I'm 19 and moved away from my family with my girlfriend. Now my family doesn't want to have any contact with me, and my sister keeps telling me how I could have left them alone. My parents have blocked me from all contact, so I can't contact them anymore.
I've lived with my dad since I was 11, and I'm starting to feel like I'll regret not moving in with my mom. My dad usually lives alone and has no family except for his new girlfriend. It would be very difficult for me to tell him, which is why I'm asking. I've been thinking…
I think I've asked this question before, but I've never gotten a good answer, so I'll ask it again… I've been depressed for years, and I just can't cry anymore, no matter how bad I feel. When I watch movies, I can consciously decide whether I want to cry or not. It's like a switch….
Because they have to do a lot of things at the same time, especially when staging and landing.
Or does it offer some other personal added value or is it just a widespread superstition?
Nephew writes: How are you? Would you like to give me €50? I write: Why should I want to give you 50 euros? Nephew writes: Because you told me I can ask you for money I write: You did not answer my question Nephew writes: Where is another question I write: Why I should want…
My grandpa drew a lot with me as a child and was often in nature with me. Therefore, after his death, I made a drawing that is symbolically connected to him and again visited the places where we were together. I remembered him and his life, I also spoke a lot about my grandmother and other relatives who were close to him. This enabled me to process his death and was not entirely on my own.
I was aware that he had a beautiful life and was appreciated and loved by many. You can’t want more than a human being.
From his estate, I also got a tie needle, a pocket watch and a few smaller decorations. I keep this in honor and continue using it myself, so that his memory is preserved.
Death belongs to life, unfortunately, but I think he loses a little of his horror when one knows that a deceased person was loved and loved and had a life rich in experiences and impressions.
I only met one of my great fathers at all, and he also had a war injury, while the other did not return from the Second World War. Fortunately, my grandfather, on the maternal side, whom I was allowed to get to know, has at least spared the reunification of Germany since he died in the late 1980s.
What the sadness in the case of death is greatly facilitated to me emotionally close persons is that I have always believed in an eternal existence, eternal love, marriage, family, and therefore also in a reunion in an eternal existence, even at a time in my childhood (starting with my earliest childhood, as far as I can remember this one) and later another 15 years in my childhood and later in my youth and in my youth.
My sincere condolences, however, is still a very fresh loss, and if you have never been confronted with death more closely, and you never really think about something about it or have a belief as I have it, it is, of course, difficult to process such farewells.
The mourning will take a long time. I have also often had to say goodbye to very dear people, at some point the pain becomes less, but never passes.
the first time was for me the worst, after a half year it became piece for piece better. After about 1.5 years, I left myself a tattoo as meaning for him. From there, the last one really fell off of me.
In the meantime my grandpa is 5 years of death and I can still not believe that it should be so long ago that he lacks us all every day
First my condolences
Hm, there are different ways you could write a letter to him, for example, in things like
and other things you can either keep with you or if he has a grave on his grave.
You could also do things that used to be fun and spend a day with him.
Or write a story about him.
You can also talk to the grave of him. I do that sometimes only when there are no other people. A friend of mine has brought me to the idea because she often does. She says that tomb is like a phone for the deceased only you don’t hear him, but if a wind wheel stands on it he would answer with the wind.
My grandpa died long ago (2011) He was a naughty man. In addition, he has a lot of pleasure: for what I used to do with him some baked things at midnight. One of my favorite memories to him. He also always didn’t care what people thought of him and he was pretty smart when there was a problem, for example, and he didn’t come to the solution he made his own way and then came to his solution 🙂 I also always think that the deceased live in our hearts.
Hope I could somehow help you and apologize for the long text
Rabe 🙂
Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: mourning is different in people. You can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone. If you’re still going to school, is there a trust teacher at your school? Then you can talk to this.
I’m Christ. Faith helps many people with sadness. God loves you. If you want to know a lot what convinces me that there is God and a life after death, you can ask me or go to my profile.
Search for information for a further life of the soul, eternal life even after earthly death
such a nonsense
my oma died 16 years ago. I never wounded the dead because we were very close to each other. it becomes easier, but every year on her day of death I am not working and take me free.