How do you get to the hospital?
How does a person get to the hospital with what kind of illness and symptoms? I need this for my presentation
How does a person get to the hospital with what kind of illness and symptoms? I need this for my presentation
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People who can not see such content please do not watch Hello, I had an accident the other day and needed stitches. You can see a 3 cm cut… The doctor said that if it's swollen, bleeding, and red, I should come back IMMEDIATELY… Well, now I find it difficult to judge and need help……
Why is my little toe so
In case of emergency : – Breath, dizziness, Heart turf, powerlessness, severe pain, blood pressure disorders or in shock symptoms – is a direct instruction, due to acute life risk, required by an emergency doctor!
Otherwise, depending on the disease picture, there can be serious organs – and body damage until now come to immediate death.
Good luck! 🍀
Either for an emergency, or by a doctor’s instructions.
What are these emergencies?
Well, things like fractures, or cut injuries that have to be sewn, or maybe a heart attack, or stroke.
Well, that’s what’s broken. With a teacher, it was the nativity in which her lung was pressed… no more beautiful, but that was then picked up by an ambulance. When a well-known one was driven over my feet with a car because the driver was too unpredictable… the fuss was broken and that was really nice… but that was also picked up so well it depends on whether it was like that or only your finger broke or anything.
That’s right, but there is no acute risk of life.
Well, you’re going to the emergency room.
Cuts and fractures are not emergencies!
So in case of emergencies, for example in case of blind arm inflammation, accidents, heart attack.
Otherwise in case of surgery to be performed, e.g. in malignant tumors, but also in orthopaedic interventions.
This is the case with mental illnesses. For example, an alcoholic who makes a withdrawal cure.
Thank you
You get to the hospital mainly when you need surgery. Or if you were seriously injured, for example, in an accident. Sometimes you are also admitted to the hospital due to severe pain where the cause has to be found.
hmm exactly for a presentation…