Wie kommt Ihr mit Gleitsichtbrille klar?
Hallo, ich würde gerne mal wissen wer von Euch eine Gleitsichtbrille trägt und wie ihr damit klarkommt. Merkt ihr den Übergang zum Lesebereich und könnt ihr alles Lesen ?Hattet ihr Eingewöhnungsprobleme bei neuen Gläsern? Freu mich auf Eure Antworten.
The first time I had some difficulties getting used to it. In the meantime (after a few years) I am quite right with it. But it’s probably also important what glasses you take. These are in different qualities as regards the visual range at the transition. My first gliding eyeglasses had stage 2 at the next I took a step better. Maybe that’s why I better get along with it.
Recently, I was at the optician for a new glasses and ordered the best stage. I’m curious how much this is.
Although the lower qualities are shown as “entry models”, I would recommend to everyone to take one of the best qualities, even if they are more expensive. But I’m also a little sensitive to my eyes.
I have no problems.
It took about 1 week at the time until I could safely walk stairs and move me well and safely in road traffic.
Now I don’t notice the glasses anymore.
If you don’t mind taking the cheapest glasses, the viewing area is smaller on the edges.
If you don’t make fast head movements, you don’t notice. For work on the screen, however, a workstation goggle with 2 sliding zones is perfect.
Many employers also pay job glasses. Some take those and one single-strength glasses.
If, like me, one wore only a long distance goggles due to short-sightedness and perceived the view in all directions and distances as super, it can, as in my case, be difficult to reconcile.
For a good 8 years now I have been wearing eyeglasses and had some difficulty looking through the lower part of the glass, looking at stairs, walking paths. However, after a few weeks, the brain had become accustomed to the various visual impressions. It is important that you not only turn your eyes in the corresponding direction, but also your head.
Of course, I notice the seamless transition from the distance to the near area every day (for example, see below), but my daily activities do not influence in any way. I can read very well with the glass type, look into the distance and generally do not want to miss the gliding vision.
Not at all. The experiment was completed after 6 weeks and various accidents. My eyes are too slow.
We’ve been wearing one for 15 years and never had trouble with it. Depends on the glass quality, dimensions and incorporation.
In the case of the first gliding vision glasses, a professional instruction is very valuable.
Would never want to be without.
No problem