Wie kommt ihr auf Ideen für Namen?
Wenn man ein Buch schreibt (frei erfunden) braucht man ja meist einige Namen. Sowohl die Charaktere und teilweise auch Orte, Gegenstände, Kreaturen, etc. brauchen noch einen Namen. Wie kommt ihr auf Ideen für diese Namen?
I let myself be inspired by other books and history or use names genarators. Sometimes I also mash 2 different names together.
I take 5 names ca in the narrower selection and then let a lucky wheel decide
I take either names that just sound good or have a (hidden) meaning. Normally, these are Japanese names for my figures, as both criteria are fulfilled.
Often I just take names that I like or come to my mind when I think of the character.
But you could also look for names with special meaning, so you could call a princess or similar person Tia, as the princess is called Greek.
You can simply search such names with meanings on the Internet. The most important thing is that you like the name and you find that it fits
I usually only use beautifully sounding names, but they fit into the respective culture or names that mean something in the respective language.
In my opinion, the simplicity and length of debate are only twofold.
Mostly I have taken names that I have found especially beautiful, but sometimes also simply googelt 😅
You have the Internet. Enter as a search, for example: First name Kazakhstan or India or Nepal … You will find many (unknown) first names
I’m using Wikipedia.
Select “Applicable Item”
There are usually some names.
I generated most of my naps on the internet.
I think Ayla or lena is so beautiful, but you have to decide…
Think, telephone book, google…