Wie kommt ein Veganer auf seine 4000Kcal?
Ich habe heute versucht vegan einzukaufen und habe mir aus Verzweiflung eine große Packung mit Erdnüssen zum Abend gekauft, aber welche Lebensmittel sind für diesen Bedarf noch geeignet?
Ich mag am meisten Schweinefleisch und sein Fett, Meeresfrüchte auch gerne, und ihr ?
Scharf verhält sich anders als alle anderen Geschmäcker. Scharf merkt man auch an Lippen und an anderen Körperstellen. Was ist scharf also?
Verläuft der Alterungsprozess bei schnellem oder langsamen Stoffwechsel schneller und warum?
Ein bisschen Teig + Tomatensauce + Käse
With a daily requirement of 4000 kcal (possibly conceivable for a sportsman) you must always consider how to meet your needs – whether vegan or not.
Nuts and peanuts are a good idea. A large noodle portion also goes for vegans. Other basic foods such as bread, rice, legumes, cereals, pizzas and ) are also available (e.g. vegan cheese substitute).
Everybody? noodles, rice, pseudo cereals, nuts, seeds, kernels, seitan, oils, magarines, etc. All partly abundant calories weighed with small amount (noodles/ice/Pseudogetreide ROH!).
Just have to eat a lot more, while I find 4000kcal also a bit of a seaweed, if you don’t do 6-8 hours of BENEFITSPORT daily!
Why would 4000kcal be too high? You’re a community expert, because you should know that depending on the size and weight you might need such a number, especially if you want to increase and have a calorie surplus.
This makes no sense from the front to the back, no person has a need of 4000CKal on normal days, and animal products do not necessarily have many calories… Nuts do not contain many nutrients.
Meat, for example, does not necessarily have many calories, so there is always a saturation supplement that is usually even vegan or actually vegetarian…
The collocation with meaning is meaning or meaning. Make sense is wrong. Apart from that, your response from the front to the back does not make any (use with -en, no is wrong) sense. There are people who have such a need, e.g. large motor sportsmen. Furthermore, there are also people who want to increase and therefore need a high calorie surplus, especially if they have a fast metabolism.
4,000 Jaloria are unrealistic. Hardly a person has such a need. Not even top athletes.
Whatever makes no sense is your connection between meat and calories.
Noodles and rice are the main foods of bodybuilders. Just because the abnormal have many calories.
You can eat eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes such as peanuts or nuts such as walnuts and pistachios.
Vegetable oil. Hello, a tablespoon of oil has almost 200 calories. Furnace potatoes with oil quickly have 500 calories. With sesame, sunflower seeds and shepherd cheese you can easily get to 700 calories at 5 potatoes.
Butter also a fine calorie supplier
oatmeal and whole grain products.
Do we really have to tell you what to eat?
You know what’s vegan? And 4000kcal are by no means unrealistic… Uff
Then leave the shepherd cheese and the eggs. My answer is still helpful. And yes, the 4,000 calories are nonsense. The questioner is not a 150kg heavy bodybuilder who trains 6hd a day, but wrote of walks. From 4,000 calories you could not be further away. So please save the discussion.
Yeah. And as far as the calorie burn is concerned, it is also a question how to do it. You can skip for 30 min and consume 200 calories, or just 700 calories. You can make 100 one pump burpees with 1 support and pause, or also three pump burpees and still moves between the burpees. You can go 1h into the fitniss studio and hardly burn calories, or you can train properly and burn after the sport still neat calorie. You can walk slowly, and you can be on your way with a climb and a certain speed. These answers come from people who do not have a sport themselves and have not dealt with nutrition.
I’d like to start a discussion. 2edged I absolutely agree. The other does not even seem to know what is vegan, let alone that there are people who want to increase and therefore need more calories than they burn. Depending on the size and weight, 4000kcal is everything but unrealistic to take, especially when you go to the gym for 1h every day, because muscles need calories to grow.
Honestly funny what is sometimes written here 😂 Butter should be vegan 🤣
2h sport and 3h hiking.. Have you ever done a real sport? 😀 2-2.5k you already have basic turnover depending on the body type, even if you don’t move at all 😀 the problem is the certain literal sugar drinks and what I don’t know for industrial junkfood eating with ka wv thousand calorie on the day 😀
Healthy oils in the form of vegetable oils, avocados, nuts, seeds
Carbohydrates such as whole grain products, cereals and the like, fruit
Nuts of all kinds for protein
Even nightishes are sometimes ok….chocolate is just as vegan, e.g. 100% of lindt or ice sorbets.
You can also be vegan.
By the way, rice, noodles and fries are vegan 😉
Add nuts, salads, oils where it goes/fits.
For example,
Soy drilling
amaranth buckwheat
kidney drilling
red lenses
I’ve created a diet plan with 3 calories, but I don’t know if the best of the proteins was. There were things like 300g rice, 350g kichererbsen, 20g mandelmus, 20g pumpkin seeds, 20g olive oil, 200g carrots, 100g wobble, 150g banana, 150g paprika, 150g fruit etc.
For example, type this into the free app fddb and raise rice and other components a little to get to the 4k, then for a day the calories covered clean. Vllt still omega 3 fat supplements
Lentils do not have many calories. Quinoa neither.
All I wrote above are good vegan protein, fat or carbohydrate sources.. Can be extended as desired. 250g quinoa have, for example, almost 1000 calories. 100g lenses almost 400kcal..300grams noodles also have 1000kcal..What do you want from me? Good vegan noodles consist e.g. from red lenses. In vegan diet, the combination of all the amino acids is also important. Meat, for example, has all essential. Some plant protein sources have a lot of fat, or even many kh, which is why they are combined in order not to have unnecessary many fat or protein. Depending on the weight, stature and preference. Not the individual food must have many calories. Potatoes have hardly any calorie, but I still like to eat them.. Then you just have to look at a good combination with a good biological usability.
And of course these are all calorie indications in uncooked condition. Are you expecting cooked calorie?? 300 g of rice are then boiled about 600 g. 100g lenses are then cooked about 200g.. Why are you even answering in this segment if you have something you’re talking about? Didn’t even understand what the questioner wanted to answer. He wanted to know how to get vegan to the kcal.. It’s just going with these, or it’s going to get high fat, which I wouldn’t recommend because 1. Not so healthy and 2nd fatigue and strain the digestion. 1g-2g fat per kilo body weight, 1,5-2g protein per kilo body weight and the remaining carbohydrates as sportsman.. Just my recommendation.
Lentils and Quinoa HABEN plentiful calories GETROCKNET/ROH per 100g (about the 400kcal which is really not much now). Cooked, of course, looks different when you calculate 100g. But ROH have the plentiful and of that was the speech 😉
You’ve already gotten into the burpees and you’ve been walking for a while. Just like here. Lentils and quinoa have not many calories just like bananas. Instead of seeing your mistakes when you correct your false statements, you come up with excuses.
I want you to be right that you can’t do well with criticism. But please stop pretending you’d have any idea. Or the other one wouldn’t know.
Given your error rate, this is simply inappropriate.
Just add a third meal to it and you get vegan ez on the 4k calorie. I don’t think you understood the question. And this without drinks and sugar.. Of course you can still be honey and tees.. Then it’s all covered..
I have only added to the bananas, blueberries and the milk of oats to have a full and balanced meal. You’ll understand.
All these things were listed above and are good nutritious and also calorie-rich foods. I’ve only called a play like you. B could put together to have a full-fledged meal. If you combine for example lenses with quinoa and rice, you also have a fully balanced meal. Apparently you can’t think about it. Just 100g rice, 100g quinoa, 100g lenses, 30g mandelmus also have 1200 calories and on a sher good protein, fat distribution. But be good you fuchs..
You can’t handle it well, can it be?
Because your reaction makes no sense.
You say the lentils and Quinoa have a lot of calories, I’ll correct you and say that’s not true (with which I’m right) and you’ll list me a bunch of things I never wrote about.
You never said anything about bananas or nuts!
You’re going to see that something isn’t going around?
By the way, bananas do not have many calories. Just about 90 calories per 100g. That’s a little
Hm, as far as I can see this (as everyone here) I said no to Amaranth or buckwheat.
I said the quinoa and lenses don’t have much calories. Whatever’s right. The calories of lenses and quinoa are in normal range.
100g spelling
50g amaranth puffed
150g banane
100g blueberries
300ml milk
50 g nuts
Got 1200 kcal.. Please
You seem to have real problems 😀 there are many good things with many calories 😀 also e.g. B amaranth or spelling that you can whistle in. The one who has no warning is you. That’s embarrassing how you want to turn the thing around 😀
That wasn’t the question. The questioner was about many calories. And you listed something wrong. It’s not bad if you don’t know that in the area. That’s why I told you. All right. Best regards
What is that question?? Why 4000kcal?
The average demand is more at 2000-2500kcal.
In addition, there are sufficient substitute products in almost every supermarket. Where are you going to buy?
I did 2h sports today and then I was walking 3h…
2std Sport and 3std hiking. Then it’s time for a calorie requirement of 2,500-2,800. if the daily requirement is about 2,000 to 2,300. Got it extra.
Even I didn’t come to 4,000 calories a day. And that even though I made trekking in the mountains that in winter.
You’ve been completely charged and your sporting performance is overestimated. Sorry.
What are these funny questions? There are people who make sports odet verbrauxhen by the statur and metabolism above average. Replacement products don’t want everyone to eat.
If you really do so much sports that you consume 4000kcal every day and always and also don’t want to eat substitute products, Vegan is just not an option for you today. Most of the vegans get clear.
A single burpees burns 1.4 calories.
100 burpees are 140 calories.
One hour is 280 calories.
That makes 420 calories. Not 1,000
:d the problem is that you have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t even know what burpees are. If you do a proper workout and claim your whole body, then you just consume a lot of calories.. If you do an hour of course without sweating at all, or criticizing musculature, then I can understand your appreciation. Not only do you fade calorie, even long after. Depending on the intensity and how many muscle groups you have trained. If you go for an hour, your pulse is increased several hours. 80-140, according to where you walk and how fast. The means that your body spends several hours of continuous calorie and also burns down.
What I want from you?
Easy. You’re saying they’re not. Apparently, you don’t know you on the Gebit. I told you.
So what I want is to correct your false statements and explain it to you better understand.
So there is no reason to feel angry or attacked. Isn’t a world fall when you’re mistaken? Don’t get angry.
Who’s talking about 50? Have you ever done burpees? Do you even know what that is? And I said go for a walk from 1h. Of course, I don’t mean to sneak with it, but a quick walk.. What do you want from me?
One hour walk is 280 calories. 50 sun beds are just 20 calories. No 1,000
You don’t seem to know yourself in the field.
Take 100 burpees and walk for an hour. Then quickly consumed 1000 – 1500kcal more. Not everyone has a slow metabolism. I’d like to have a slower. These are averages. There are also people who are 2 meters tall and wide.. They don’t eat 2,5kcal. It’s not like everyone.
Then you are an exceptional ♂️ Not without reason, on many foods, the nutritional values are given by the DGE with the % calories from the total requirement of less than 2500kcal
What 😀 I don’t even wear so much sport and am currently unemployed and spend some 3600 calories. I have to eat a lot so I can’t take off with my 65kg to 1.80. In the replacement products there is some more shredded in as in conventional industrial products. Then you have to cook a little, then you go. But paying attention to the health is also the price. Whether time or money. It is also much cheaper than carnivore nutrition, and you can even afford to buy everything in organic.
4000 Kcal are far too much for a average on the day you should take at most 2000 kcal if you still want to recommend to you student food