wie kommt das viele co2 in die atmosphäre das weiß bis heute niemand?
seit etwa 100 jahren steiger der co2 anteil immer weiter aus unbekannten gründen. wurde da schon weitergeforscht. bis jetzt kam nur raus das durch das co2 der treibhauseffekt immer stärker wird und somit die temperatur auf de erde steigt mit weitreichenden folgen für die natur und mensch so kommt es dadurch zu mehr extremwetterereignissen wie überschwemmungen und dürren. kann man dagegen überhaupt was machen
Of course also through human activities. There is a natural Co 2 content in the atmosphere. It’s right now. CO 2 share of the atmosphere at 0.04% but is sufficient for the natural greenhouse effect. There are also natural sources, however, today a lot of us people are released not only from traffic. The textile industry even produces more CO2 than air and shipping. And also making phones etc is not without.
Incineration of coal, oil and other substances, which increases and increases CO2 emissions.
It’s not that much. The proportion in the air is negligible. This comes from volcanic eruptions and outgases from the earth (e.g. in the Eifel). It also disappears CO2. For example, Plankton absorbs dissolved CO2 and makes it organic material which partially drops to the sea bode, thereby removing CO2 from the water and thus also the air.
Just because this is unknown to you, it does not mean that this is also unknown to the rest of humanity. When carbon burns, which has been bound as fossil fuels for millions of years, such as coal, oil or natural gas, the resulting CO2 has to accumulate in the atmosphere. Sounds illogical for you, but it’s so
That’s what the reptiloids secretly make at night from Planet X.
No. The Planet X is hypothetical and has not yet been discovered (see Nasa Report https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/hypothetical-planet-x/in-depth/ ) and the repiloids originate from the constellation of the kite and have used an unknown drive and stand up at unknown locations and escape both visibility and detection.
When carbon is burned, carbon dioxide is now produced
So the reasons are unknown? That’s new to me now.