How does the subconscious come up with future spaces?

Variant A (Apartment A)

Variant B (workplace)

Variant C (Apartment B)

Example scenario:

  • Person XY lives in variant A from 1981 to 1986
  • 1986 – 1992 Person XY lives in a completely different apartment
  • 1992 – 2015 Person XY also lives in a completely different apartment
  • From 2010, person XY starts working at a company and works there in variant B.
  • 2015 – 2022 Person XY lives in variant C

Between 1981 and 1986, a series of dreams appears in which person XY is in variant B (future apartment) and variant C (future workplace); deja vu may occur in the respective future periods.

Between 2015 – 2022, a series of dreams appears where person XY is in variant A (previous apartment) and variant C (current workplace).

In the example from 1981 to 1986, how do you arrive at rooms that you don't yet know, but that you will actually be there at some point?

For the period 2015 – 2020 it is clear that you already know the premises because you have been there before or are currently there.

Is it possible that variant A is simply converted into variant B or C or any other variant in the dream?

How does the subconscious know how it will be set up?

When we sleep and in our dreams, for example, variant A is rebuilt, aren't there actually countless variants and possibilities and variant B and variant C would therefore be unlikely?

What do you think and what are your experiences?

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1 year ago

Have you ever thought about xy in his old apartment thinking what he wouldn’t like and what he would do if he had more space?. Xy then looked at 20 apartments and 1 of them corresponded exactly to his dreams. A variant. Furthermore, repeat and resemble patterns in the brain, so that years later one has the feeling that one would have seen it in the dream. Variant 2. Apartments and jobs are similar for good reason because they have proven themselves. Variant 3. And 5 dreams in 5 years are at 3 REM phases per night about 1/1000th of all dreams in this time. Something similar can have happened very well in the dream, which you really experienced later. Version 4.