Wie kommen Raumschiffe in den Weltraum oder wie können Flugzeuge fliegen, wenn es doch die Erdanziehungskraft bzw. Schwerkraft gibt?
Menschen können ja nicht von der Erde fallen obwohl sie rund ist wegen der Erdanziehungskraft. Riesige Gebäude verschwinden nicht einfach im Weltraum wegen der Erdanziehungskraft. Wir fallen hin wegen der Schwerkraft/Erdanziehungskraft. Wie können dann Flugzeuge oder Raumschiffe diese Kraft besiegen. Riesige Gebäude bleiben ja auch stehen. Müssten diese nicht trotz egal wie viel Treibstoff sie besitzen sofort abstürzen?
It’s not that complicated. The gravity pulls the rocket down, which would drop it down. What missiles do is to push themselves up with more force than gravity pushes them down. This leads to them rising instead.
But there are buildings that weigh a lot, they would have to fall down. I mean so small probes can get into space too, so there isn’t much power needed at all or does a building have no power? 😅
Buildings are on the ground. The floor presses against the building, so the building doesn’t fall down. If there was no floor, buildings would fall down.
A building has power that pulls the building down (against the floor). A probe has power that pushes it up.
A person can escape gravity, calls himself a leap. Not very far and not very long. This is due to the low jumping speed.
If you could skip at 11 km/s, you could escape the Earth infinitely long. Well, if you look away from the inestimable fact that you then burn in the atmosphere.
A plane is a completely different subject. It doesn’t float, it’s based on the air. This seems only strange to us because the ratio of mass, support area and speed to flying is not suitable for us.
You can jump… So you’re defying the power of enrichment right now. With enough energy, rockets create exactly the same.
It’s a little different on planes.
Aeroplanes and spaceships have engines with a certain force that generate propulsion against the energizing power.. like a silvesterrakete it also flies away from the earth
Thanks for the calm answer and good example.
It costs a lot of energy to overcome the enrichment power.
Man needs a medium that has a repulsive effect and exceeds the gravity forces of attraction.
People thought that in the penultimate year. And the possibilities for aerodynamics are not recognized.
You can deal with the mechanics of wings, then you understand. By the way, birds do that too.
Rockets overcome the attraction due to their thrust.
Aircraft: buoyancy
Rockets: Escape speed
See the Physics Book.
You have to ask Han solo.