Wie komme ich schnell auf 55 kilo?
Wiege im Moment 62,7 oder so. Bin aufjedenfall zu fett. Bitte gebt mir Tipps
Wiege im Moment 62,7 oder so. Bin aufjedenfall zu fett. Bitte gebt mir Tipps
Hallo Leute! vor kurzem bin ich Pubertät gekommen und wollte fragen ob es eine Rolle spielt was man in der Pubertät isst. Zum Beispiel fette, ungesund oder gesund ist das wichtig oder muss man auch auf die Ernährung achten? Und Tipps wie man die Chance Gering machen kann um keine Krankheiten zubekommen, weil möchte lange…
Hey, die Frage richtet sich hauptsächlich an Typen mit Wampe. Immer wenn wir irgendwo sind klatschen mir meine Kumpels auf meine Wampe, z.B. letztens beim Minigolf haben meine Kumpels mir immer auf den Bauch geklatscht als ich einen Ball reingelacht hab oder wir haben letztens bei mir zuhause auf der Couch gechillt und dann auch…
Hallo ich bin eigendlich dünn abEr WenN ich mich hinsetzen habe ich ich bisschen schwabel und so
From another question:
From this question:
Again the other question:
Not yet, at least you seem to have distance from it. But you’re on the best way. At least you have a postponed self-perception!
Healthy and durable decrease is slow and only that is also targeted.
Hunger is the wrong way. You have to rethink your complete diet and change over time, otherwise there are again the escorts and the so-called JoJo effect.
Lots of vegetables, fruits,… oatmeal swelling in the stomach and are also good. There’s a whole list.
Bread (better wholemeal bread), candy, fast food, ready meals, too much fat, … avoid, as well as anything else with too much sugar or too much salt. Carbs are similar to sugar, so eat in dimensions.
You should be around 8 kg. Save 56,000 calories.
Movement and sport would also be important. Muscles burn more calories and shape the body and make you look leaner.
You might be a little chubby, but I’m sure you’re not fat.
You’re still under normal weight. 8 kg less would still be normal.
53 – 69 kg
Ideal weight
A few more questions: Do you sometimes cook yourself or prepare your own food? What are you eating in a rainfall? What about sports and movement? Are you unhappy or dissatisfied with different things, not just the figure?
Somehow it sounds for me Binge-Eating and this is also an eating disorder. The esses would be typical of it. The causes for this are psychic as with any eating disorder.
But it doesn’t have to be, that can happen if you want to take off completely wrong and just starve, and then logically the escalation comes at some point.
*do not give … spelling mistakes – sorry
You’re what you eat.
So not so much nuts!
Renounce MC Donald and Pizza
More balanced, healthy food
Less of flour and sugar
Eat never pizza etc. Flour also nd.
and where did you get so thick?
Oh so, I understand you’re doing something wrong, you should never get hungry, so always eat in time, then you don’t get any food you can divide into different categories, which is healthy and doesn’t thicken zb fish with salad and what makes thick and unhealthy zb cake pudding chocolate when you can distinguish it, you’re on the safe side
Hunger, and then eating. At the moment try to solve it so nix more to eat, but my parents threaten with clinic
On the basis of your previous question, you can see that you are not too thick, but have a problem with your self-perception. And this either leads to an eating disorder or it is. Get help!
I make 20-30 sit-ups every day in the morning and evening and don’t eat as much as before.
That doesn’t mean I just eat salad, I eat everything I want but in smaller quantities.
For example, not 5-6 candies, but one or two.
In any case, drink more water.
Hope I could help LG
Look at the previous question.
WTF and see the new question
What’s the girl got? WTF
Depends on how big you are.
Previous question “I’m mad.” 176cm or so…
No 173
Then you have a great weight.
Then I felt wrong. Don’t change my answer.
“Great” is, on the one hand, a devalued designation for properly overweight and, on the other hand, the popular, dimensionless exaggeration of magentic girls, who have developed a normal weight, but a totally corked body feeling (by stupid social media)
She’s supposed to be 1,73…
We’re not doctors here. The diagnosis of malice is not easy.
She has absolutely normal weight. It can be an eating disorder, but rather Binge-Eating and I think less of magic. Clearly there is the A-typical mager addiction which is also possible with normal weight.
Whether she has a eating disorder can really only say a doctor on site and not we here in the forum. You don’t have any such speculations.
Movement / Sports / Healthy Diet