How do I get into my Epic Games account?
I urgently need your help. I deleted a gmail that was registered to my epic games account and I can't get it back because that was half a year ago and I thought I wouldn't be playing anymore. Anyway, I've tried everything and I can't get in because they send me a security code but the email doesn't exist anymore. I can't contact support either because you have to log in there too. Can someone please tell me how to get into my account? I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart.
Kind regards
If you need the email you deleted, you can’t do anything.
Something has to go, right?
as said, if you have deleted your email from the ACC, the acc is virtually gone
you would still be logged into the Epic games website and change the mail, but even there I don’t know exactly.
I would try to write the support and explain your problem exactly.
Look the acc is not gone because I have it via phone so Xbox page and if ch at the launcher with Xbox then the security code will be sent as well and on the support you must also login 😔