Wie komme ich backstage in Bushido Tour?
Hallo erstmal Leute ich hab mit Bushido/Anis damals 1999-2003 Songs darunter (Allstars,Illusion,Demo 2000,Berlin/Paris) gemacht und ich muss zu ihm backstage kommen am 21.03.24 um mit ihm zu reden dringend!!!! kontaktieren kann ich ihn irgendwie garnicht mehr die Frage ist wie ich backstage komme es geht auch um Musikrechte etc. und im allgemein paar private Sachen die Frage ist wie soll ich es den Security erklären um rein zu kommen ????
Security doesn’t let you in, he’s already living a bit dangerous about that too.DAS you can bend now.Forget it.WAS said KAYA ? = YOU don’t come in here.Only mailing.And then wait…
but they can call Anis to let me in
No, forget it,he will never come to hear any of your message.Nobody can get to him.ER WATER NO LAST OB WILL,SECURITY
No, no, no. Scheiss auf Anis ich war Vorgruppe bei Wutang Clan Anis is just an old colleague and I urgently need to regulate it is something better to you???
So? Waste backstage?
Not at all. Turn to his management with a factually and grammatically correctly written email about your concern.
Bushido does not discuss business matters at a concert backstage. There are no four exclamation marks for you.
You don’t know Anis has nix to do with business I slept with him on a bed at the time in Marienfelde we clear it fraternal then it was that
If that’s the case, don’t you have to ask a desperate question with graduating signs?!
Ne the contact is hard to get