Wie komme ich aus der Sucht raus?
Hallo, ich bin 13 und ich habe seid Jahren eine Videospielsucht. Genauerzu sein seid ich 6 bin. Früher habe ich gemerkt, dass es Tag zu Tag immer mehr Stunden worden…eine Zeit lang durfte ich auch nur Wochenende spielen aber, dass brachte auch nix, weil ich die ganze Woche lang darauf gewartet hatte.Jetzt wo ich diese Nachricht schreibe, habe ich pro Tag 10-12 Stunden Spielzeit je nach dem ich wach war und das ist überhaupt Nicht gut. Dass weiß ich auch, aber ich weiß halt nicht was ich machen soll wenn ich keine Videospiele spiele, da ich keine Hobbys habe. Bitte helft mir.
Perhaps you are also interested in a sporting musical activity? You can also read with 13.
You can play stories in image and sound, but you could also read them.
I know of statistics that children who have not been read are less willing to write a book themselves; Try it.
Good luck!
Thank you for the award!
With 13 you still have plenty of time to develop new hobbies.
It’s very good that you’re aware that you have a problem. You could go into therapy, that’s always a very good solution. Have you talked to your parents about the addiction?
With my parents I don’t think I can talk so well about such topics.
Talk to your parents to go to the doctor.
A doctor can’t change anything about parenting errors.
A addiction is a disease and as such you can also be treated. Whether this is a fault of parents or not does not matter.
But in particular, if there is a mistake of parents it would be important to get a neutral / professional third person because then the parents obviously cannot solve the problem or want.
Talk to your parents. They’re all due, so they’re supposed to help you get away.