Wie komme ich an Kunden?
Ich möchte mich selbstständig machen indem ich einfach das gleiche mache, was ich jetzt schon als Angestellter mache (IT). Die große Hürde dabei ist aber, an Kunden zu kommen. Ich habe bereits ca 30 Mails abgeschickt an meine Zielgruppen, jedoch bisher keine Antwort erhalten.
Gewerbe ist schon angemeldet, Webseite steht und Geschäftskonto habe ich auch. Nur mit den Kunden läuft das nicht so. Referenzen habe ich auch nur von meinem Job, aber nicht von anderen Firmen.
Kann mir ein erfahrener Selbstständiger/Unternehmer hier Tipps zur Kundenakquise geben?
Right, put clinks, call companies, advertising in the newspaper…
30 mails are pretty little. Have a full day and write 300-400 companies. But don’t bring it over like a 0815 advertisement, but make it individually aware of something and offer them a solution. You could also contact Linkedin or Instagram companies. Or best to call immediately, comes reputable
It would be very useful to describe IT activity in more detail.
Basically: We had founder times in the years 1960, 1970, 1980.
These times are over. The markets are occupied, the local activists are very professional and have high enforcement power.
About 80% of the founders fail today
I am frontent developer and would like to sell and manage websites (have contact to freelancers who take over the backend). Well, as an individual entrepreneur, I’m not a founder, but only independent. Didn’t have any
Founder is anyone who builds a company where none was before.
Website developers should be in Germany approx. 500 00 and most websites are already developed in Germany. Thanks to CMS etc., no great continuous work is required for external developers. The rapid death of companies is added (emigration…).
Also 100 000 “Amateures” are available for website design and offer all prices by working for 5 € the hour.
You’ll have trouble covering your life. END
Well, they do their sales in the crafts. And they have revenues without end despite not current website. Does a lot about recommendations. I honestly think that there are other, more urgently sought-after skills in IT.
They don’t wait for their web page, I wanted to take it. In 2025 not even having a ssl certificate (https) is quite outdated
The market is highly saturated. Craftsmen like “Rolladenbauer”, agricultural service providers… wait for their website and don’t care about it. END
I wouldn’t say that I found some construction companies or craft businesses with a very poor website. Many are unfortunately not aware that a better website increases their online presence and brings more customers
But you might be right about the amateur thing, I have no idea. If that’s the case, the market is oversaturated.
Would be good if you were to answer that.
Well, that’ll be hard. No one wants to hand over his important appearance to someone who doesn’t do it himself and gives the order back.
First make a study in this field. You won’t be successful with a company start-up and account opening.
and also not much idea of the product (for otherwise you would do it yourself).
It has nothing to do with Kaltakquise. You have to have proof that you have learned your work and know exactly what you need to do.
It has nothing to do with flipping
But that’s called flipping, that’s what many do. But they have more idea of marketing and cold acquisition, so also my question, have no idea of selling
What about your boss? No need?
It’s about me, not my boss
Yeah, if your boss wants to be your client, I mean. Doesn’t he want your work anymore? I know someone who made it so successful, the step into self-employment.
Yeah, I know that too. People then have quite different skills and are more likely to be thrown into orders.
Okay, my example is a developer who doesn’t work for his IT company anymore, but works as a freelancer. But it’s backend, maybe that’s the difference, I don’t know. It was just a thought. Good luck!
In itself super good idea, but to offer it services to a company like a Dönermann to sell a Döner, which already have developers for zb their website
seek targeted customers who have no or a very bad website to build and sell them