Wie komme ich an eine kostenlose Webseite?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin auf der Suche nach einem kostenlosen Webhost bzw. etwas unter 0,50 Euro im Monat. Es soll eine Seite für einen Verein werden, der nicht viel Geld hat. Wir wollen unsere Seite umziehen da der alter Anbieter zu teuer ist. Vielleicht kann man das gleich übertragen?
Vielen Dank im voraus.
For Infinity Free you can host a website for free. Only the Premium hosting costs money (more storage space, higher server utilization, faster charging times).
I used the provider myself for one of my projects and was very satisfied. Personal data is not required. Websites are free of advertising and can be set up quickly and easily. PHP and MySQL databases are supported. Free SSL certificates are also available.
You can set up a domain with the following extensions for free: .42web.io, .infinityfreeapp.com, .rf.gd, .lovestoblog.com, .epizy.com, .great-site.net, .freecluster.eu.
hi I have a ü in the name. Doesn’t seem to be going… can you help?
Write “ue” instead of “u”.
So… there are free web hostes, ABER… they’re gonna be on your side with forced advertising. You can’t do anything about this advertising and, above all, what advertising that is, and you have no influence on it.
Furthermore, free web hosting is usually also just a “Lock offer” after a certain time, which then turn around and it costs some money. You also have no requirements for availability or availability with free providers.
In general, one can only guess.
on the fast I found for example 3,87€
would be nice not to judge. It was a simple question….
Nevertheless, thanks for the tip for Facebook. I will once submit the solution proposal with the combination of Facebook and wordpress for free. Thank you very much for your time. calibre
if so little is to be spent on a website, then you can ask yourself whether it makes sense to have a website at all. So if you don’t even want to pay €6 for a website a year, you should not have a website.
What I can recommend is the Webhoster GigaWebHost: GigaWebHost offers from 1€ services and from 2€ a separate domain(internet address).
Some of them cost money. Take a Facebook page that is free and professional shouldn’t be. If a club can’t even spend 50ct/month on a web hosting… quite honestly.
IONOS offers a .de domain for 0.08 EUR and a free web hosting
https://www.ionos.de/hosting/free hosting
for 0.08€ … in the FIRST year. Always nice to read the small print 🙂
Use “Google Sites”
you have to be a webdesigner… that’s too complicated
Don’t know anything more expensive. It’s safe.
I was looking for such an idiot-proof version. May your toast bread always fall on the right side