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1 year ago

I blanch the broccoli ovens in boiling salt water (with a pinch of sodium) 3-4 minutes. Then they come in ice-cold water, so the strong green color remains. Then it is drained and can either mix it into a salad, steam in butter, put on a pizza or bake it in a pipe as a broccoli run with cheese. They are also suitable for egg dishes with vegetables and as an ingredient for vegetable buffers.

1 year ago

Hello Vivian601

You can also eat broccoli raw…

So bring water to boil, some salt in (until it tastes like salt water) broccoli in – as long as you need it… It will boil softer through and loses valuable substances – the longer you cook it, the softer and nourishing it will be…

Can you check with the fork and get out of the water as you like

Stalks can be collected quietly frozen – these often have to cook a little longer than the tubes because they are more fibrous (so the strung is often thrown away because when the tubes are soft, it still has a distinct contrast in the consistent)

If you like me run a worm farm, they are very happy about the strung as well as yellow and brown roasts (uncooked salt that is eaten within a day – raw it helps to cut it small)


1 year ago

To cook fresh broccoli, follow these steps:

  1. Wash the broccoli thoroughly under cold water to remove any dirt or residues.
  2. Cut off broccoli asses. You can peel the stem and cut it into slices to cook it as well.
  3. Fill a large pot about half with water and bring it to boiling. Add a pinch of salt to improve taste.
  4. Once the water boils, add the broccoli. The tubs should be completely covered with water.
  5. Let the broccoli boil for about 5-7 minutes. The exact cooking time depends on the desired bite strength. If you want it softer, you can let it cook a little longer. However, regularly check the consistency to avoid overcooking.
  6. Pour the broccoli and rinse it briefly under cold water to stop the cooking process and get it its green color.

The boiled broccoli is now ready for consumption. You can serve it as a supplement or reprocess it as you like.

1 year ago

I’m a big broccoli fan, but if I prepare it so (I don’t like all other recipes at all.

broccoli, garlic, some white wine, olive oil, salt and pepper if necessary a little nutmeg and (if you like) a little chili.

Wash broccoli and divide it into roasts. Cut the stunk into small pieces. Boil Knobi briefly in olive oil, add broccoli and fry briefly. Then add the white wine and chili and garnish the broccoli in it. Season with salt, pepper and possibly some nutmeg.

Also I like baked broccoli:

broccoli, garlic cloves to taste, some panier flour/semmelbrösel, olive oil, parmesan cheese (or the cheese you have at home), salt and pepper

Wash broccoli and divide into roasts, then about 10 minutes in salt water. Pour it off and put it in a gratin shape that you have previously sprinkled with some olive oil. Spread over the chopped garlic. Now the panier flour comes to the broccoli and finally the cheese. Peel with the remaining olive oil and bake for about 20 to 30 minutes in those at 180° (preheat). When the surface is crispy, slightly browned – Finished

1 year ago

look at youtube best for cooking