Wie koche ich eine Lasagne?
Ich mag Lasagne
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Welche Art von Essen lässt eine Person sich energisch, wohl, glücklich und nicht müde fühlen?
A “normal” lasagna consists essentially of (prepared cooked!) boolognese sauce, bechamel, noodle leaves and cheese.
The leaves are placed on layer in a run-up form, alternately with bechamel and on top of it comes the cheese. The whole thing is baked in the oven. During the baking season, the noodle leaves become soft and the cheese is nicely crooked up.
I personally don’t like Bechamel so much, so I prefer the lasagna without Bechamel.
I’m bothered (manufacturer!) … otherwise the instructions fit. 😎
Either I buy a finished lasagna, or I do it (except the noodle leaves) completely myself. 🍺
I do the noodle leaves myself. With these candle wax-like finished much too thick dough leaves you can hunt me,
With “ready” I meant a Bolognese sauce, which before is cooked. If it is still raw, it is logically not suitable. That’s what I meant.
There is even a recipe where you use thin egg pancakes instead of noodle leaves.
I’m just gonna do it when you come. Otherwise I’m too lazy. 🍺🙈
Although there is a very good one, the one from the Fattoria la Vialla in Tuscany. I use them if I don’t want to cook.
Okay. I thought of one from the canned 🙈
Lasagne isn’t like Lasagne?
I like to make spinach lasagna with cream spinach, which I mix with Schmand and season well. I then take that as a basis instead of the meat, coat it as usual with the lasagna plates in between, top cheese on it, in the oven, let it cool out, finished.
Okay, but you know it’s not the average!
No, but a little change isn’t bad, is it?
And my recipe was pretty good in my acquaintance.
I love it ^
Also important:
Find a good recipe and go.
Look in here…
Lasagne recipes | Chef
You make a beautiful Bolognese sauce
You make a béchamel sauce
You layer all this together with lasagna leaves in a run-up form
Pack cheese on top
Then you bake the whole thing
Above a lot of cheese
but please do not gouda,
And then some more cheese, just for safety…
hold bolognese sauce and so noodle slices and then bee
I would make a béchamel sauce
Béchamel sauce. And no it is not better and also not Italian.
yes without cup mell sauce is better
Where’s Lasagne coming from? Right from Italy. And here it was not asked how to cook what you call lasagna, but how to cook lasagna.
we are not Italian
Your opinion. But a lasagna without béchamel would not be considered an Italian as a lasagna.
You make ne Bolognese, ne Béchamel and layer this with Lasagne panels in one form. On top Mozzarella and Parmesan 👌