Wie klingelt man bei Arztpraxen?
Ich habe bald einen Termin und eine Sozialphobie, weshalb ich den Ablauf, um möglichst wenig falsch zu machen, genau wissen muss.
Wenn ich eine Arztpraxis besuche und an der Tür sind mehrere Klingeln, klingel ich einfach nur und die Tür geht sofort auf oder muss ich da irgendwie noch was sagen wer ich bin oder wie?
Und woher weiß ich wo ich dann, wenn die Haupttür offen ist, hingehen muss, wenn da mehrere Klingeln/Praxen im Gebäude untergebracht sind.
Danke im Voraus.
Usually the door is open during opening hours.
With several practices in a building, next to the door or on the door, see what practice can be found there. This allows you to find the entrance to the right practice.
You go in there and register with his last name and have an appointment. Whether you’re supposed to sit in the waiting room or not, the person will tell you at the reception.
If there is a building with several doctors, then go to the floor where dejer is, go to practice, say that you have an appointment, put your KK card down and then go to the waiting room
There are sprouts with bells where either a summer opens the door directly after the ringing.It also happens that you have to speak in a speech facility, but I didn’t have it for a long time.
You’re doing this.Many luck.ðŸ ̃‰
Thank you.
All my doctors need you to ring and the door is open. First you have to sign in, that’s where the reception is.
In the building the various doctors would have to be well signposted. There are also very old people there who otherwise have great problems coming to the right doctor.
Thank you.
This is difficult to say in advance. I can only recommend you to adjust to multiple situations. Maybe you can go and check with someone in advance.
You just ring and then look in the house for the practice
You push the button – I’d say.
That doesn’t answer my question. It’s clear that you have to ring, but you can open the door immediately or you have to say what’s the process after that? That was my question
You have to look for the name on these signs, then you’re where you have to go. With some doctors you have to leave again when you’re in front of the door, then the door automatically opens, or you have to press against it.. Then with the health insurance card for reception, you usually recognize immediately, as other people will definitely stand. If it is not possible for you to wait in a waiting room, please inform the reception immediately. There may be other possibilities.
Thank you!