Wie klein ist dieser Motorradfahrer?

Mein Bike hat mit dem neuen comfort Sitz eine Sitzhöhe von 860mm. Ich bin gerade mal 182 also durchschnittlich und komme super easy mit beiden Füßen auf den Boden. Habe sogar noch Platz wenn ich stehe mit dem bike zwischen den Beinen.

Wie klein muss dieser Mann hier sein? 160? Der muss ja unnormal klein sein so auf einer Sportler zu sitzen. Was denkt ihr? Das macht doch garkein Spaß zu fahren wenn man die Füße kaum aufm Boden bekommt.

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2 years ago

That’s it. I’ve already been driving bikes, where I just came to the ground with the toes, or even had to slip off the seat to hold them.

For heavy machines or beginners, I would advise, but with light SSP it is very possible.

2 years ago

You can’t answer that on a flat-rate basis. The proportions are not the same for every person, there are people with relatively short upper bodies and long legs – and also vice versa. At the same time there are also sportsmen with seating heights <80 cm and the height is not only decisive - the width and shape of the bench also plays a very large role. And of course, the focus of the motorcycle and the suspension / suspension also affects the handling, as well as the experience and skills of the individual driver. I would always recommend a motorcycle to a beginner with a safe stand. But you also know someone who drives an R 1250 GS Adventure with about 165cm and gets along well with the very high travel steamer - but he also has 30 years of experience.
A flat-rate “formula” for calculating the perfect seat height based on the body size is not available.

2 years ago

I’m 167 and with me it looks just like the guy on the picture 🙈 If you have short legs, it looks like that and it’s not fun.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frauemma1987

Then you drive bus.

I’m sure there are thousands of people who enjoy it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kometenstaub

You don’t have to drive bus 😉 There are enough ways to get the car a few centimeters deeper.

2 years ago

Depends on , gives people with short or long legs. Treasures so +-170cm